Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Our remarkable musical youth have been working hard all summer and are ready to begin the 9th year of PV's only youth classical music concert. These motivated students will be presenting their Autumn musical selection on November 18 at 6 pm at Biblioteca Los Mangos.
Celebrating the upcoming 15th Anniversary of Los Mangos Library, the students are all the more jubilant in presenting their autumn musical selection, which this year will center mainly on piano works of J.S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, J. Haydn, F.Schubert, F. Chopin and E. Satie among others... well known composers indeed to have to do justice to!
For sure, the great strides these young musicians display in their performance and stage presence with each passing year is most heartwarming! So come on and join us, along with proud and equally dedicated parents and teachers, to cheer and encourage these youngsters who, transformed by the educative and emotive qualities that music-making bring, will strive to overcome the challenges in today's confusion and continue to enrich themselves pursuing and developing their music technique and talents.
Voluntary donation for Los Mangos at the door - $50 pesos.