Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Mom's special day has been celebrated in Mexico since the early part of the 20th century. Mexico's northern states picked up the United States tradition and it spread throughout the country.
But the popularity of Mother's Day did not truly take hold until an editorial appeared in a Mexico City newspaper along with a widespread media campaign plus support from the Catholic Church. All these activities combined helped make this a full-fledged celebration.
During the 1920s, some people in Mexico were becoming concerned that women were being diverted from their primary role of childbearing. Information on contraception was becoming more accessible, and women were beginning to assert their rights in politics and the professional world.
In an effort to curb liberal thinking and promote motherhood, the Mexican women's magazine, El Hogar, joined forces with La Asociación de las Damas Catolicas (the Catholic Ladies Association) to oppose what they saw as a threat to traditional values.
Rafael Alducin, the editor of the Mexico City newspaper El Excelsior, joined the fight and organized the first official celebration of Mother's Day in Mexico on May 10, 1922. Alducin wrote and published an editorial that affirmed the ties between motherhood and Mexico's traditional values.
The celebration soon took more of a religious tone. The Archbishop of Mexico gave his official sanction to the holiday. Soon, images of the Madonna and Child adorned Mother's Day cards and posters. This was especially significant, because Mexico's patron is the Lady of Guadalupe and Mother's Day gained almost immediate acceptance in Mexico.
El Hogar announced a beautiful baby photo contest in conjunction with the first Mother's Day, and it was wildly successful. The holiday has grown in acceptance, and now almost every Mexican family honors mom on her special day, which is always May 10th.
Mexican children honor their moms on La Dia de la Madre pretty much the same as kids do in the US. Gifts of candy, cards or flowers are the most popular choices along with telephone calls, if you do not live in the same city.
In Mexico the kids take it one step further because schools sponsor programs for the mothers. The children may dance, tell jokes and sing for the entertainment of their maternal audience. It ends up being a significant day off of work for a lot of people.
In some Mexican cities the sound of music starts Mother's Day off on a cheery note. It is the custom to go to mom's house early in the morning and awaken her with a song. Those who can afford it hire trios or Mariachi bands to accompany them and this is followed by a special mass at the local church.
Another tradition is taking mom out to a restaurant and Daiquiri Dick's in Puerto Vallarta makes it easy to impress. The restaurant will be celebrating on May 10, Mexico's Mother's Day and May 13, American Mother's Day. There is brunch and dinner choice or you can take mom out twice. Here's a look at the special menus.
Amazing Mother's Day Brunch Menu for only $175 pesos
Nuestro increíble menú de almuerzo por sólo $175 pesos incluye:
• Mimosa or Orange Juice - Mimosa o jugo de naranja
• Coffee - Café
• The Deli’s Scone or Cinnamon Roll - Scone o Roles de Canela
Choice of - Opción de
• Eggs Benedict - Poached eggs over toasted English muffins with Canadian bacon or smoked salmon and Hollandaise sauce
Huevos benedictinos con pan inglés, tocino canadiense o salmón ahumado y salsa holandesa
• Chilaquiles with grilled chicken or scrambled eggs
Chilaquiles con huevos revueltos o pechuga de pollo parrillada
• Asian Chicken Salad with shredded chicken breast, almonds, pea pods, ginger dressing
Ensalada asiática de pollo con almendras y ajonjolí con aderezo de jenjibre
Mother's Day Dinner Specials for $299 pesos
Especiales de cena del día de las Madres
(Choose one from each category - escoja uno de cada categoría)
Starter - Primero
• Watermelon Salad with Feta Cheese and Arugula
Ensalada de sandía, arúgula y queso feta
• Chilled Tuscan Summer Soup
Sopa Toscana fría de tomate y queso de cabra
• Fritto Misto with Crispy Shrimp and Calamari
Camarones y calamares fritos
Entrée - Segundo
• Pan Finished Chicken Saltimboca served over nest of lemon-arugula pasta
Pollo saltimboca sobre pasta con arúgula y limón
• Three-Pepper Crusted Medallions with Smoky Pasilla Sauce
Medallones de res encostrados con tres pimientas servido con salsa de merlot y romero
• Blackened Mahi Mahi with Roasted Poblano and Corn
Filete de dorado estilo Cajún con poblano asado y elote
Dessert - Postre
• Flourless Chocolate Cake
Pastel de chocolate sin harina
• Strawberry Shortcake
Biscocho con fresas y crema batida
Celebrate everything your Mom has done for you by making reservations today for a very special Mother's Day celebration at Daiquiri Dick's.
"Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother" - Oprah Winfrey

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