Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Without a doubt, the 'must do' activity on a Saturday morning is a visit to Puerto Vallarta's Old Town Farmers' Market. In addition to seeing everyone you know, you will experience a bit of sensory overload as you make the circuit of all the goodies being offered there.
In keeping with the philosophy of "Make it, Bake it, Grow it," the Old Town Farmers Market- Tianguis Cultural is a "producer only" Market - all the products are made, baked, grown and sold by Vendors, all whom live within 50 kilometers of Puerto Vallarta.
Here's a sampling of what you'll find at the Old Town Farmers' Market this week...
Carnes del Mundo
Kyle Quast of Carnes del Mundo has been producing meat products for 17 years. He started making beef jerky and then moved on to supply his own restaurant, Desperado, in the Marina back in the day. He has been in his current factory location for nine years now, making over 200 different products not easily available to local restaurants. He estimates he has 160 items on local menus. Kyle explains that getting a year round supply of choice meats is his biggest challenge and goes to Sonora for beef and pork; Chili for chicken and turkey. He does all his own smoking and makes all his own sausages. You can buy packaged meats at his deli location within the school or try a sandwich prepared on site. To order direct from Kyle, contact him or his partner Irma at meat(at)carnesdelmundo.com, by phone at (329) 298-2115, or online at CarnesDelMundo.com.
Laura Lopez Labra Boutique

On the corner of Pino Suarez and Basilio Badillo you will find Laura and her exquisite creations from Laura Lopez Labra Boutique. Having a passion for white, almost all of her designs are made of pure white cotton. She adorns some of her garments with white crochet, for example, or white lace and/or embroidery. Laura has been making her own designs for 47 years now, producing everything from shirts to stunningly crocheted dresses and tops. Although she works primarily in white, she has begun to add a bit of color to some of her newest concepts. And, Laura will do custom orders in any color upon request. You can find Laura at her boutique, located at 329 Basilio Badillo, or email her at laupv21(at)hotmail.com.
Empanadas Marino

Marino Vicens of Empanadas Marino was motivated to find a way to provide for his family after he lost his job in 2009 thanks to the swine flu crisis. Being trained by his father, a former pastry chef, Marino purchased the necessary equipment and began making empanadas at home with his family. He soon started selling them from his van on the streets of Sayulita. He now sells his variety of empanadas (shrimp, marlin, spinach, vanilla milk cream, and more) at all the Bay area farmers markets. He tells us that during this year’s low season, he and his father are going to experiment with hydroponic growing of artichokes and eggplant. You can find Marino, his lovely wife Anna, or his two daughters, Wendy and Jenny, along Pino Suarez or contact him at empanadas_marino(at)hotmail.com.
More about the Market...
Now in its’ third season, the Old Town Farmers Market - Tianguis Cultural has fast become one of Puerto Vallarta's most compelling weekend attractions. Here you can meet new friends, say hello to old ones, talk directly to the producers, buy great products, support the local economy and take part in activities for the whole family.
Stop by the Market info booth located on the corner of Pino Suarez and B. Badillo and purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win a generous basket of products donated by the various vendors. Bring a donation of school supplies and receive a free ticket to the raffle. All proceeds from the raffle go toward projects to help the school.

Click HERE to learn more about the Puerto Vallarta Old Town Farmers' Market.