Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Get out the lederhosen and the beer steins - it's time for Oktoberfest! For more than 200 years, Oktoberfest celebrations have been held in Munich, Germany to commemorate the October 12, 1810 marriage of Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig to the Saxon-Hildburghausen Princess Therese.
Over the years, the folk festival has given its name to similar festivals worldwide that are at least in part modeled after the traditional Bavarian Oktoberfest. Whether the festivities are large or small, Oktoberfest food remains the same.
Here in Puerto Vallarta, European Chef Andreas Rupprechter is celebrating Oktoberfest all month long by serving up a special menu featuring dishes from Germany in addition to the traditional Austrian fare served at his popular south side restaurant, Kaiser Maximilian.
Kaiser Maximilian Oktoberfest Menu
• White Wine Soup with cinnanmon croutons and sabayon
Sopa de vino blanco con crutones de canela y sabayon
• Smoked Sausage with Sauerkraut and sautéed potatoes
Salchicha ahumada con col agria y papas salteadas
• Roasted Duck with red cabbage and dumpling
Pato asado con col morado y albóndiga
• Veal Gulash with Spätzle
Gulasch de ternera con Spätzle
• Cottage cheese Strudel with berry compote and vanilla ice cream
Strudel de requesón con compota de moras y helado de vainilla
Dinner is served from 5-11 pm.
Come out and celebrate Oktoberfest at Kaiser Maximilian through October 31st. Whether dining al fresco at the European-style sidewalk café tables, or in the intimate air-conditioned dining room, you'll enjoy the fabulous cuisine, professional service and elegant atmosphere that have made Kaiser Maximilian one of Puerto Vallarta's favorite fine dining restaurants.

Click HERE to read more about Kaiser Maximilian.