Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - As you have probably seen in every publication you have read lately, the Mayans predicted that December 21, 2012 would usher in a new World Age. Their belief was based on astronomical observations, and their highly complex calendar ends on that date.
But the meaning of this event has been hotly debated by scientists, Mayan scholars, and New Agers. A broad range of theories have the event meaning everything from new hope for mankind, to the end of the world - depending on who you choose to believe.
Join us at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens from 10 am to 6 pm on Friday, December 21st as we wait to see which - if any - of the theories behind the end of the Mayan calendar proves to be correct! What better place to meet the "End of Days" than in the beautiful Vallarta Botanical Gardens?
Enjoy our special "End-of-the-World" cocktails and delight yourself with one last meal in the Hacienda de Oro. There will also be apocalyptic movies and music for the day.
Come join us and enjoy the spectacular view to the end!
For more information, call the Vallarta Botanical Gardens at (322) 223-6182 or email stephenclay(at)vbgardens.org.
More upcoming events at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens
• December 28th - Photos for Floral Art Workshop - Join Mike Laking, international award winning digital photography artisan, for a free workshop at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens. Mike will show you how to create art from your photographs, how to choose the right printer, ink, and paper. Plus, how to get FREE photoshop video lessons and the bonus of a chance to win a "one on one" with Mike!!!
• January 5th and 6th - The Psychic Faire - Daily readings start at 11 am to 5 pm and will include tarot, palm reading, astrology, etc. Prices start at $250 pesos for a 15 minute reading. Special Saturday event from 4 pm to 7 pm - "Past Life Regression." Prices begin at $350 Pesos.
• January 26th - Diversity Day - An extraordinary day with the Gay community. A day filled with fun! The River Jamboree, Tea Dance with Deejay Jesus, workshops, speed dating, line dancing, The Vendor Mart, our famous "Bonfire of the Vanities," plus much more. The event is from 11 am to 9 pm and starts at $250 peso per person. Also included is entrance fee to the gardens and a free cocktail. Facebook us at "Diversity Day 2013" - it is "Return to Brokeback Mountain!"
• February 5th - "Membership Appreciation Day" - It is our chance to say thank you to all of our members for supporting the gardens. The event runs from 11 am to 5 pm and includes entrance to the gardens, Maricachis, Tuito dancers, authentic Mexican buffet, plus a host of surprises!!!
All inquires can be directed to (322) 223-6182 or stephenclay(at)vbgardens.org. You can always visit our webpage at vbgardens.org.

Located 30 minutes south of Old Town at Km. 24 on Highway 200, Vallarta Botanical Gardens offer something to keep every age group happy; from a Rose Garden for the romantic to jungle trails for the adventurous and a Carnivorous Plants area for the younger generation! The Botanical Gardens' vibrant and elegant settings also offer the perfect venue for weddings and special occasions. For more information, call (322) 223-6182 or visit VallartaBotanicalGardensAC.org.

Click HERE to learn more about Vallarta Botanical Gardens.