Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Every Saturday, Old Town Farmers' Market visitors are treated to an exceptional and eclectic spread of "Make it, Bake it, Grow it" goodies. Sure, you'll find traditional market items - farm-to-table produce, aromatic flowers, and freshly baked goods - but this Market reflects the charm of its international location and community.
With custom-made swimsuits, locally distilled Whiskey, organic dog treats, handmade musical instruments, and wooden toys, the Old Town Farmers' Market brings unique products not found elsewhere in the world.
Non-profit organizations, on-site chiropractic services, and live music add to the eclectic atmosphere. And of course, the International Food Court is always ready to serve up a plate of distinctive flavors such as Indian curry, British meat pies, Austrian schnitzel and strudel, Ukrainian perogies, pad thai, and traditional Mexican fare.
But it isn't just the products, services, and food that bring diversity to the Old Town Farmers' Market. It's the people.
When Charlotte Semple first arrived in Puerto Vallarta in 2009, she immediately noticed this beachside destination was ready for a producer-only market. A veteran of many markets in her native Canada, Semple set out to give shoppers a venue that not only offered handmade and homegrown products, but gave vendors an opportunity to grow and develop their businesses.
Semple drew upon her social entrepreneur background while planning the Market. As one who has merged business know-how with community service, she has been honored for her humanitarian efforts as Victoria's Business Woman of the Year, Beta Sigma Phi Woman of the Year, YWCA Woman of Distinction, and named a Lifetime Honorary Rotary Ann. In 2012, Semple was presented with the Puerto Vallarta's Asociacion de Vecinos Y Empresarios Community Service Award for her part in providing local entrepreneurs with a venue with which to promote their businesses.
"We've been diligent from the very beginning about supporting the local market," says Semple who has serves as the Market's Director. "It was intended to be a venue where talented entrepreneurs could sell their high-quality goods. From day one, we were meticulous about making sure there was a good representation of nationals."
Along with 30 vendors and a handful of volunteers, the Old Town Farmers Market opened in March 2010. Over 50 percent of their vendors were Mexican nationals. Today, 71 percent of their vendors are Mexicans. The rest hale from Argentina, Asia, Austria, Canada, England, Iran, Spain, and the US.
It is this diversity that has helped the Old Town Farmers' Market reach record-setting numbers over the last four seasons. During high season over 5000 shoppers a week visit the Market in search of artisan products and one-of-a-kind services.
Entrepreneurs who want to participate in the Old Town Farmers' Market are asked to complete an application which is then reviewed by the 6-person Vendor Selection Committee. Working alongside the committee is a dedicated group of volunteers. They arrive every Saturday at 7:30 am to set up tents, tables, signs, the info booth, and recycle bins. They are the heart of the Market, helping vendors load and unload, directing traffic, working the information booth, and wrapping it all up at the end of the day.
Upon the success of this season, the Vendor Selection Committee and the Old Town Farmers' Market volunteers are looking forward to next season. They will be accepting new applications in November as well as building on the concept of helping vendors.
"It's not just about selling," explains Semple. "It's about supporting 'make it, bake it, grow it' vendors who are ready to take their businesses to the next level. We are working with local officials to add business development classes next year as well as offer micro-lending loans to vendors with a long-term entrepreneurial vision."
From the products and services to the vendors, volunteers and visitors, you'll find diversity in every corner of the Market. Come see for yourself why the Old Town Farmers' Market has become a model for entrepreneurship and community in Puerto Vallarta.
Be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, March 31, as the Old Town Farmers' Market will be throwing a birthday fiesta complete with cake and balloons. Join in the celebration and take advantage of exclusive shopping specials.

Click HERE to learn more about the Puerto Vallarta Old Town Farmers' Market.