Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico - Turtle season is in full swing in Vallarta and, since beginning its Sea Turtle Protection Program 11 years ago, the CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort's hatching initiative has safely delivered more than 337,000 baby turtles to the sea. In 2012 alone, the hotel recovered 784 nests and released 44,631 turtles back into the wild.
The beach protection area at this Puerto Vallarta resort is more than a half-mile long and houses 30 percent of the area's nests. From June through December, the resort coordinates with renowned biologist Catherine Hart and her team as well as government officials to help conserve the Olive Ridley sea turtle.
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Every night during the summer and through the fall, dozens of turtles arrive at the hotel's beaches. From 11 pm to 5 am, biologists protect the sea turtles and collect their eggs so beach-goers can't accidentally disturb the nests during the day.
The eggs are taken to a nursery at the resort where, after about 45 days, baby turtles are born. Biologists and hotel staff allow resort guests to see the turtles and learn more about them. Children are invited to name the turtles, wish them luck and then set them free. The turtles are returned to the sea at the edge of the resort's beach, where some of them will return a decade later to start the process again.
In 2012, this Puerto Vallarta resort helped bring over 784 nests to the nursery, which totaled nearly 51,946 eggs. When the time came, the hotel's staff and guests watched as 44,631 baby turtles scooted towards the water. An interesting fact: sea turtles return to the same beach where they are born to lay their own eggs. As a result, the beach of CasaMagna Marriott will prove a safe haven for these hatchlings to lay future eggs, thereby ensuring many new generations to come.
For more information on the CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort and their Sea Turtle Protection Program, please call 52 (322) 226-0000 or visit PuertoVallartaMarriott.com.