Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - On February 20, The National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV and AIDS in Mexico (CENSIDA) launched the '2014 Call to Strengthen the Response to HIV.' Between the February 20th publication and the March 10th closing, a total of 361 projects were submitted by 152 organizations. Out of the 361 programs, 189 projects were recommended for direct funding.
Of the 189 programs that were evaluated, the number one project received a score of 97, and Puerto Vallarta's SETAC received a 92.5 rating, placing them at No. 17. As a result, SETAC's PROJ-2014-0111 Movihlizandote de la costa a la bahía, brigadas por la vida (Banderas Bay area Movement for the Prevention of HIV, or 'Brigades for Life') program was approved and funded in the amount of $517,520.00 pesos by the Federal Government.
SETAC PROJ-2014-0111 Project Objectives:
• Promote access to information and prevention of HIV/AIDS and STDs, and acting as a referral system that links existing health services to vulnerable populations, and HIV/AIDS prevention through the strategy of face-to-face interventions, in 15 regions of 4 Banderas Bay and Costa Alegre municipalities.
• Perform 82 Comprehensive Health Brigades, to ensure implementation of 4000 rapid HIV and 1200 Syphilis testings in populations with high risk factors.
• Support for the integration of health services for reactive HIV / AIDS and STD cases.
On June 11, 2014, SETAC started their 'Movihlizandote Brigades for Life' project at the entrance of City Hall in downtown Puerto Vallarta. SETAC volunteers performed free, and completely confidential, rapid HIV tests, provided counseling and information about sexually transmitted diseases, and handed out hundreds of free condoms, lubricants, and informational brochures. With this first Movihlizandote health brigade receiving such positive response from the public, SETAC volunteers are busy planning the next 81 Brigades for Life.
Translated and edited by Lorena Sonrisas for BanderasNews.com.

Click HERE to learn more about Centro Comunitario SETAC.