Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Wow! A new look. A new sound. A strong, vibrant community bringing compelling musical shows to add to Puerto Vallarta's growing entertainment repertoire. With this vision, Puerto Vallarta Men's Chorus is proud to present our new artistic director, Alfonso López.
With an extensive musical background, Alfonso enthusiastically joins the Chorus with both vision and experience. A graduate of The University of Texas-Pan American with a Master's in Vocal Performance (Summa Cum Laude), he went on to become a music professor at UTPA. He told PVMC president, Richard Canter, "I had the delight of being the Musical Director and Choir Conductor for the staged musicals both in the Theatre and Music Departments." This multi-talented bass-baritone has sung in operas, acted on stage, conducted youth choirs, taught vocal lessons; and was the musical director, vocal director, and arranger for the talented live band at Opera Teatro Bar in Texas, where they perform music from Opera to International Popular Music. El Señor López has more than 80 shows under his musical belt.
What is his vision for the Puerto Vallarta Men's Chorus? "To be known throughout México," he states with a soft smile, but he is serious and has a plan for achieving his goal.
Is that all? "No, there's more; I want to create excitement in our audience and our singers. I'm not supposed to," again his quiet smile, "but I love looking at the audience to see if they are enjoying the show as much as the performers are enjoying presenting it."
He understands why PVMC sings. It's just to provide entertainment, right? "No, again, it's more than that; the mission, the reason for the Chorus' existence, is to help gay people gain acceptance from their family, friends, and colleagues. When people attend PVMC performances, they will observe joyful gay men, singing together. Perhaps some will alter their vision, or perhaps some will begin to understand that we are all human, and simply another part of the world community."
The Puerto Vallarta Men's Chorus shares the excitement of both Bob and Alfonso, and looks forward to a season of growth, opportunity, and fabulous, fun music.
Híjole! Wow! How can someone join the Chorus? "We are a gay men's chorus," says Alfonso, "so you would need to be male, and gay or gay-friendly. PVMC will be auditioning new singers beginning with our July rehearsals so please check our website, pvmenschorus.org for more information. We also welcome volunteers of any gender."
Join the PVMC community, contribute to the vision and be part of the audience as we present our next exciting performance!
The mission of Puerto Vallarta Men's Chorus is to present quality male choral music in Spanish and English using the voices and talent of gay Mexicans and expatriates to entertain, enlighten, and unify our audience and members while building bridges of greater understanding, acceptance and love between communities, cultures, families, and friends. More information can be found on their website at pvmenschorus.org.