Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Are you registered to vote in the U.S. elections? Don't be so sure until you check. 41 of the 50 states require you to re-register. If you are in doubt, go to canivote.org to determine if you need to re-register.
If you have never voted in the U.S. elections from Mexico, or your state requires you to re-register for every federal election, go to: votefromabroad.org, and follow the instructions. It's simple, and it only takes a few minutes. (It does not matter what your party affiliation is.)
If you need help, there are helpful "HINTS" on the right side of the form. If you still have questions, email John at wbeegood(at)yahoo.com, or call (322) 223-2022.
Do you need a local mailing address? Email John at wbeegood(at)yahoo.com, or call him at (322) 223-2022.
Can't afford the postage? We will provide that for you as well; email John at wbeegood(at)yahoo.com, or call him at (322) 223-2022.
See what we mean? Your excuses for not voting are gone.
Be an absentee voter, not an absentee citizen!
This ad was provided by Democrats Abroad Mexico - Costa Banderas Chapter.
With country committees and local chapters in over 80 countries around the world, Democrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party organization for the millions of Americans living outside the United States. For more information about the Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad, click HERE. For local assistance, contact Dee Dee Camhi, Chair, at rdcamhi(at)mac.com.