Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - The 2014 HRC Corporate Equality Index report was just released and shows just how gay friendly corporate America is becoming. Is your favorite corporation gay friendly?
The HRC (Human Rights Campaign) is the largest LGBT civil rights advocacy group and has been publishing the Corporate Equality Index Report that rates American work places in terms of LGBT Equality since 2002. The organization is very highly respected among the LGBT community and this annual index is very influential on where the LGBT community spends its $830 Billion Dollars.
Some of the criteria rated are equal employment benefits for same sex spouses, Transgender inclusive health coverage, equal employment opportunity that includes sexual orientation and gender identity, among others. Just where does your favorite American corporation rate in terms of LGBT Equality?
First a few highlights of the historic developments seen in 2014:
This year will go down in history as the year that corporate support for equality left the boardroom and reached each and every corner of this country. This can be seen with the mainstream LGBT advertising campaigns like Kellogg's using Tony the Tiger to support 2014 Atlanta Gay Pride and DirectTV first LGBT commercial during a season kickoff opener.
Hundreds of major businesses (Target was one) signed historic amicus briefs urging states to overturn their ban of same-sex marriage.
A Record number of major businesses updated their non-discrimination policies and benefits packages well ahead of federal mandates.
This year, the 12th anniversary of the report, rated 734 companies and a record 304 businesses achieved a top rating of 100 percent. This is compared to the first report in 2002 where 13 companies received a 100 score.
91% of all fortune 500 companies include "sexual orientation" in their definition of non-discrimination.
13 of the top 20 Fortune 1000 corporations (65%) received a top 100 score. They are: Chevron, GM, GE, Ford, HP, AT&T, Bank of America, McKesson (a pharmaceutical company and owners of Health Mart) Verizon wireless, JP Morgan, Apple, IBM and Citigroup.
Who are some other companies scoring 100?
American Express, Avon Products, Barnes and Noble, Campbell Soup, Ebay, Hyatt Hotels, Nike, Walgreen, and Coca Cola.
What did Walmart score? 80
What about CVS pharmacy? 85
McDonald's? 90
Alaska Air? 90
Now for the low scores and the ones you have all been waiting for. I hope you don't have stock in any of these companies:
Cracker Barrel 45
Domino's Pizza 35
Family Dollar 30
Good Year Tire 15
Harley Davidson 15
Tyson Foods 15