Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - The PV Garden Club supports not only a more beautiful, clean and verdant city, but is also making it more attractive to tourism, thus creating a vibrant economy to support all the other great causes in Puerto Vallarta. Here's the latest news from the PVGC.
Summer Greetings from the Garden Club!
We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. After only a few weeks of rain, it's already nice and green here in Vallarta. The mountains, which are covered in a variety of beautiful trees, are really spectacular this time of year.
This summer, we're using the rainy season as a time to prune and clean our many bougainvillea. As you know, we've planted them on virtually all of our major streets in the Emiliano Zapata and Centro neighborhoods, and most of our bougainvillea have never been trimmed. In order to keep CFE from hacking the plantings, we agreed to generously prune the branches to get them out of the electrical lines along these streets.
This task has proven to be a significant amount of work (the cuttings from a couple of large bougainvillea can fill an entire truck like the one shown above). Our 2 gardeners, Matias and Adan, have been getting up before sunrise each morning for the past few weeks to get this project done. They have now trimmed all of the bougainvillea on Olas Altas and Basilio Badillo and will begin Ignacio Vallarta and Insurgentes next. The City of Vallarta has also been particularly helpful with this effort, and we are grateful for their assistance in loading/hauling away the plant debris.
The pruning of the bougainvillea will cause them to produce even more flowers next season. As Bob Price from the Botanical Garden commented, bougainvillea really responds well to trimming. The Botanical Garden prunes their bougainvillea each year. At Bob's suggestion, we're also tying up as many of the trunks as possible after the trimming.
The generous donations of our members makes all of this work possible. With your financial support, we now have the resources to work year-round on our beautification efforts. Thanks to everyone that donated last season!
Metropolitan Opera Broadcasts in Vallarta
Would you like Cinepolis to broadcast The Metropolitan Opera here in Puerto Vallarta? If so, please take a moment to add your name to the Bring The Met to Vallarta petition. Cinepolis currently broadcasts The Met in 9 other cities throughout Mexico, and if enough support is shown, Vallarta could be added to this list. Click HERE to add your name to the petition.