««« Click HERE for Recent Movies Cannes Film Festival Hits Halfway Short on Buzz
Mike Collett-White & James Mackenzie
 Crowds crammed to see the stars walk the red carpet, champagne flowed, fireworks filled the sky and screenings were packed, yet the Cannes film festival hit halfway on Monday lacking one key ingredient - buzz.
"We Are What We Are" Visits Cannibals in Mexico
Deborah Young
 "We Are What We Are," the soberly told story of a family of hapless cannibals, falls into the category of quality horror that embraces titles like "Let the Right One In" and other modern genre-stretchers.
"Women in Focus" at Film Festival
Marcela Valente
 The First International Women and Film Festival for Gender Equity drew enthusiastic audiences this month in the Argentine capital, where movies from nearly 40 countries were screened.
Has an Oscar Saved Japan's Dolphins?
Rose Aguilar
 Winner of the Audience Award for Best Documentary at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival, The Cove follows a high-tech dive team on a mission to discover the truth about the international dolphin capture trade as practiced in Taiji, Japan.
Broken Embraces (Abrazos Rotos) Reviewed
Alex Gomez
 If, after all the time you've lived here, you haven't bothered to learn Spanish, and if you like your movies Hollywood, then 'Abrazos Rotos' will probably be lost on you. No amount of subtitling can ever hope to convey the subtle irony of Almodovar's scripts, or their implicit satire.
One Year After The Swine Flu "Crisis" in Mexico, "Amor En Tiempos de Influenza" is Now Playing Online
Gregory Berger
 One year ago this week, Mexico City was in lockdown. Swine Flu hysteria paralyzed the nation. I am proud to say that I broke that siege by strolling through the center of the Mexican capital with a live piglet walking behind me on a leash. My "stroll" with a pig was part of the production of "Love In Times of Influenza" a satirical documentary about the real "pigs" behind the flu crisis.
Iron Man 2
Radheyan Simonpillai
 Everyone’s favorite narcissistic tin can returns in the highly anticipated sequel Iron Man 2, but much of what made 2008’s Iron Man so much fun is left behind.
Osama bin Laden 'Living in Luxury in Iran'
Telegraph UK
 Osama bin Laden, the world's most wanted man, is living in the lap of luxury in an apartment in Iran and spends his time falconing, according to a new documentary.
Insult Master Don Rickles Isn't Warm, But He's Hot
Gary Strauss
 Mr. Warmth appears to be a pretty cool guy. He's better known as Don Rickles, one of the earliest politically incorrect comedy performers and subject of HBO documentary Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project.
Movie Review: The Coca-Cola Case
Lainie Cassel
 Colombia has long held the title of trade union murder capital of the world. With increasing threats against workers and an estimated 4,000 trade unionists killed in the last three decades, the practices of multinational corporations operating in the Andean Nation are beginning to be more vigilantly scrutinized.
Animals' Right to Privacy Denied by Documentary-Makers
Cat Bartman
 Animals' right to privacy is being denied by makers of television wildlife documentaries according to new research.
Alex Jones' Police State 4
Gerald Celente
 Tyranny is HERE! The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality. The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on earth. POLICE STATE 4 chronicles the sickening depths to which our republic has fallen.
A Rebuilding Phase for Independent Film
Michael Cieply
 For more than a decade, the indie film movement centered in New York flourished, at times almost eclipsing the output of the mainstream Hollywood studios in terms of impact and accolades. But the financial collapse and the credit crisis had a deep impact on all of the movie world, which has responded with fewer expensive releases and safer bets.
You've Come a Long Way On Film, Baby!
Jamie Hanlon
 A female director wins best director at the Oscars. A female-driven movie wins two Academy Awards, including best adapted screenplay. It may not be a huge sign, but it signals a huge shift in what the general public is watching and how Hollywood is viewing the much-maligned genre, the "chick flick."
A Detective Film At Its Finest?
Radheyan Simonpillai
 Why did Argentina's The Secret In Their Eyes beat out A Prophet and The White Ribbon for Best Foreign Language Film?
Clash of the Titans 2010 Version Reviewed
Alex Gomez
 I enjoyed this film for its action, scenery and fearsome monsters, but my favourite thing about the movie is the honour that Perseus lives by. Hopefully kids will learn something about honour from Clash of the Titans (2010), something they are evidently not taught in school.
Hollywood Documentary Calls for Zero Nuclear Weapons
Pratap Chatterjee
 Hollywood and Silicon Valley leaders have teamed up with Middle Eastern royalty and high-level U.S. diplomats to send a message to heads of state who are gathering here in Washington next week: the world needs to reduce its nuclear arsenal to zero as soon as possible.
Film Brings Anti-Apartheid Movement to Life: Interview with Director Connie Field
Eric Stoner
 "Have You Heard From Johannesburg" chronicles three generations of that struggle - from the early freedom fighters and African National Congress (ANC) leader Oliver Tambo to the international campaign to boycott corporations operating in South Africa and impose economic sanctions on the regime.
5 Great Moments In Cinematic Product Placement
Mark Lisanti
 This weekend, the New York Times took a look at the system of product placement that keep the pockets of your favorite Hollywood studio lined with beautiful, beautiful cash by loading up its films — both of the blockbuster and modestly budgeted varieties — with enough strategically positioned Quarter Pounders to stop the hearts of an entire location shoot’s worth of Lipitor-gobbling Teamsters.
Mexico to Offer Free Movies to Haiti Quake Victims
 Under a joint program with Mexico's largest movie theater chain Cinepolis, free movie showings aim to offer Haitians light-hearted entertainment to help ease the sorrow caused by the Jan. 12 quake.
The BBCC Presents 'The 800 Mile Wall'
 The Bucerías Bilingual Community Center, located on Calle 16 de septiembre #48 in Bucerías, Nayarit, invites the community to attend a showing of an important documentary film, 'The 800 Mile Wall' on April 8th at 6:30 pm (Jalisco time.)
Condom Requirement for Porn Film Actors to be Voted On in California
Molly Hennessy-Fiske
 State regulators are expected to vote on a petition asking them to require porn industry performers to use condoms and to take other safety measures.
An Oscar for America's Hubris
Robert Scheer
 What a shame that the one movie about the Iraq war that has a chance of being viewed by a large worldwide audience should be so disappointing.
Battlegrounds on ‘Tiny Specks of Earth’
Alessandra Stanley
 At war’s end, the cabbie won’t take money from the Marine returning home from the Pacific. “I might have jumped into Normandy but at least I got some liberties in London and Paris,” the driver, a veteran of D-Day, says pityingly. “You gyrenes, you got nothing but jungle rot and malaria. Welcome home.”
Roger Corman's Back with Sharktacular B-Movie Mayhem
Curt Wagner
 If you made it through the Academy Awards on Sunday, you undoubtedly saw a kindly looking Octogenarian stand to receive an ovation for winning an honorary Oscar. That gentleman, Roger Corman, has deservedly earned the title of Master of the B-Movie, having written, produced and/or directed more than 350 films over the past five decades.
Mexico Targets Hollywood with Tax Incentives
John Hecht
 Mexico has launched a $20-million tax-incentive program in an ambitious move to lure film production from Hollywood and other locales.
Fisher Stevens Interview
Vicki Hogarth
 If the pre-Oscars buzz is correct, Fisher Stevens, the co-director/producer of The Cove, will be going home with the Academy Award for Best Documentary on Sunday night.
What’s a Nice Girl Doing in This Hole?
Manohla Dargis
 Into the dark you tumble in “Alice in Wonderland,” Tim Burton’s busy, garish and periodically amusing repo of the Lewis Carroll hallucination “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”
Hola Mexico Film Festival: Your Escape to Exotic Mexico
Catarina Farrow
 The Hola Mexico Film Festival, an international film festival that showcases the creativity, ingenuity and charm of Mexican cinema, is back for the second year on US soil, commencing in Los Angeles on April 29 before moving on to Miami, San Francisco, Chicago, Washington D.C. and New York.
If You Can Watch This Movie, You’ll Win $10,000
 A Bollywood filmmaker has issued a lucrative challenge to horror movie fans: a $10,000 reward for anyone who can watch his latest supernatural thriller, alone, in a cinema until the closing credits.
John Huston's Night of the Iguana
 In late 1962, John Huston received a proposal from producer Ray Stark to direct The Night of the Iguana. 'I thought it would make a wonderful picture, especially in Mexico,' said Stark. 'John, of course, was the guru of Mexico. I just got him at a lucky time when he wanted to go back there.'
A Complex Tragedy at the Border
Hector Tobar
 The 800 Mile Wall highlights the construction of the new border walls along the U.S.-Mexico border as well as the effect on migrants trying to cross into the U.S. This powerful 90-minute film is an unflinching look at a failed U.S. border strategy that many believe violates fundamental human rights.
Slaughterhouse Sweatshop: Filmmaker Exposes US Dirty Secrets
Brenda Norrell
 Americans don't want to hear about Postville, Iowa, or how the US spent $5.2 million on a raid that revealed the underbelly of not just the meat packing industry, but of the abuse of migrant workers by US companies and the sinister justice delivered by the US Justice Department. Guatemalan filmmaker Luis Argueta is telling this story.
Why the Oscars Are a Con
John Pilger
 Why are so many films so bad? This year's Oscar nominations are a parade of propaganda, stereotypes and downright dishonesty. The dominant theme is as old as Hollywood: America's divine right to invade other societies, steal their history and occupy our memory.
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