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Excellence in Plastic Surgery in a Tropical Paradise 2 a profile of Dr. Carlos Gomez by Bob Cohen
 While still in high school, a near fatal injury and successful reconstructive surgery inspired Gomez to become a plastic surgeon - a decision that changed the course of his life.

| Dr. Carlos Gomez discusses aesthetic and reconstructive surgery from his clinic in Puerto Vallarta.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 | Some affiliates of his question him when he takes on a patient that will need half a day in the operating room, while he could easily perform multiple simple cosmetic surgical procedures. Thus, his philosophy on life and remembering what was what he once thought was a personal catastrophic injury that he turned into a career that he loves. Had he not had a competent surgeon to put him back together, he would not be able to learn and professionally practice a profession that he feels was his destiny. Dr. Carlos, in turn, will not turn away any procedure that is at all reparable.
 "Cosmetic surgery is really having a big boom around the world, but is really a very small part of plastic surgery," Dr, Carlos continued, "but to do a real reconstructive surgery, such as a cleft lip or palate or someone that has a huge defect from cancer and the such, does require more skill and knowledge. When I was a resident in Mexico City, many doctors wanted to do just cosmetic surgery, which was ok with the chiefs of surgery, but it is just the tip of the iceberg." He continued, "Just an average surgeon can do a cosmetic surgery, but in more intricate plastic surgeries there is so much more involved. If I move this tissue from here, am I lacking something? One always has to pay a price as you are moving tissues from one place to another, so you have to be very clever or you will lack."
 "Many of my patients are those that have had surgeries done by someone else and are told that there is nothing else that could be done by that surgeon. People come to our office because they know that we take on those cases, where there is more work to be done. We do a lot of pro bono work in this area as well, as often a surgeon's work is lacking and leaves more to be done for a complete and successful aesthetic or reconstructive surgery. The point is that if you really enjoy and love what you are doing, you don't always have to charge all the time for doing that."
 An obvious question that needed to be asked was, why open a clinic in Puerto Vallarta, while your career is thriving in Guadalajara? Dr, Carlos responded; "It's a very different kind of practice, I can be much closer to my patients, spend more time with them in both pre and post op. In Guadalajara, at a huge hospital where I am the Chief of Plastic Surgery, it is like watching the television show ER, changing scrubs in one minute, and going from one surgery to another, while in our clinic in Vallarta, it is a more casual environment, getting better contact with patients, getting closer to them in a friendlier way."
 There are always patients visiting Dr. Carlos at his clinic or his office just around the corner, all of which appear to be happy to just stop by and chat with him. "What started as a professional relationship often changes to a close friendship with a patient, as I get the time to know what their needs are. Above all the friendships are in accordance with professional ethics, which are most important to honor."
 "Knowing and understanding the needs of patients is extremely important, especially here in Mexico, where about 40% of my patients are from foreign countries with different cultures. Those different cultures produce different needs in the appearance of one seeking plastic surgery. As a surgeon, I am very sensitive to those needs; patients from Japan, for example have different values culturally and I need to tailor those values in the planning of the surgery. Many women from Brazil desire breast reduction for one simple reason; they don't wear tops on the beach. Almost every culture has different standards and ethics and we need to be sensitive to each individual case."
 "Puerto Vallarta is a more appealing place for one to have plastic surgery and one can come here for surgery, a short recovery and enjoy a week long vacation, which is why I decided to open a clinic here," Dr. Carlos stated. "Many of my patients come to Guadalajara on a Friday for a couple of days and fly back to the U.S. or Canada to have dinner with their family on Sunday night. Although Guadalajara is a beautiful city, many people do not choose the city as a vacation spot due to the large size, and the enticement of a comfortable and beautiful place like Puerto Vallarta, leads many to make this a destination package as a surgery/vacation."
 Dr. Carlos has practiced has in Puerto Vallarta for six years and opened his clinic 2 1/2 years ago. Three blocks away is a beautiful all inclusive casa where patients stay for three days while recuperating, and he can easily visit them for after surgery follow-up. In the vacation package, one can extend their vacation for another week or more at any one of a number of facilities, depending on their wants and desires. Comparing prices for surgery only in the United States or Canada, one can fly to Puerto Vallarta, have surgery and follow-up care, and enjoy a vacation for about the same price.
 Dr. Carlos resume appear to be a "who's who" in plastic surgery and he currently is the Coordinator of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Puerta de Hierro Medical Center in Guadalajara. The huge medical center is considered by many professionals as one that has the best technology and knowledge in all of Latin America.
 Before one chooses to have plastic or aesthetic surgery in Mexico, be sure to check with Dr. Carlos Gomez and consult with him via email, telephone or in person before making a final decision. His expertise, along with his minimal incision technique allows for better results, and also offers you the chance to enjoy a vacation in Puerto Vallarta.
 For more information about vacation surgery, visit his website at PlasticSurgeryVallarta.com or send an email to wayne@plasticsurgery.com.

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