Local Profiles  
Helping Homeowners... and the Community a profile of home inspector Jim Morrison

| Jim Morrison | Before moving to Puerto Vallarta in January of 2007, Jim Morrison inspected houses in the Boston area for 20 years. In fact, since he started inspecting homes in 1987, he performed approximately 200 inspections all over New England each year.
 His love of learning and desire to develop more professionalism in his field lead Jim to join the American Society of Home Inspectors in 1994. He went on to serve this organization in many capacities at both the local and national level and in 2006 was elected President of the New England Chapter.
 In the late 90’s he incorporated his interest in writing into the business and had dozens of home inspection and since then has written countless construction articles that were published in dozens of US newspapers, magazines, and on the web.
 Jim’s love of teaching people about their homes naturally lead him to lecture homebuyers about home inspections at real estate seminars across Massachusetts, and led to his being featured on HGTV's House Detective TV show.
 In 2007, Jim teamed up with Charlie Wood, a well-known leader and veteran of the US home inspection field to move to Puerto Vallarta Mexico and create Casas del Mar PV (CasasDelMarPV.com) CdM PV specializes in property services all over Vallarta.
 Buying property in a foreign country is overwhelming. Jim and Charlie know that education is the key to reduce anxiety and fully enjoy your new home. They want to teach prospective homebuyers what they need to know about living in, and maintaining their new homes.
 As residents of Puerto Vallarta, they are committed to making a positive contribution to the community by helping homebuyers and giving something back by supporting local causes like the kids at: RefugioInfantil.com.
 Jim and Charlie are always eager to help their PV neighbors and hope that if you have any Real Estate related questions, you’ll consider them a resource.
Local Businesses Unite to Feed Vallarta's Children
Jim Morrison
 Casas del Mar and Café Roma have joined forces to serve Vallarta's neediest children. Until the end of November, Casas del Mar will donate $200 pesos for each online vacation rental to the Children of the Dump, and Café Roma is facilitating the payments.
State of the Art Weather Station Installed in Vallarta
Jim Morrison
 Café Roma, located at Calle Encino #287 in downtown Puerto Vallarta, has installed a state-of-the-art weather station outside their famous restaurant, which, together with their webcam, allows part-time residents and tourists to stay informed.
Preparing for the 2008 Hurricane Season
Jim Morrison
 You probably didn’t know it, but we are already several weeks into the 2008 Hurricane Season. While this article discusses what to do before, during, and after a hurricane, it is important to remember that hurricanes usually pass Vallarta without incident.
What Your Home Wants You To Know - It's Time to Fix Your Roof
Jim Morrison
 The rains are coming to Vallarta soon. It rains just about every day in the summer here - from 1-10 inches of rain or more per night. Roof leaks are tolerated, even expected in some buildings, but it doesn't have to be like that.
What Your House Wants You To Know - Air Conditioning Maintenance
Jim Morrison
 The weather in Vallarta is perfect right now, but we all know what's coming. Our air conditioners are going to get a real workout in a few weeks. When was the last time you had it serviced? How old is it? Have you ever paid any attention to it?
Just Who Was Saint Patrick?
Jim Morrison
 The sheer numbers of expats of Irish decent who've settled here, combined with the Mexican admiration of the famous San Patricio's, explains why March 17th is a bigger holiday in Puerto Vallarta than even Cinco de Mayo.
Helping Homeowners... and the Community
 Casas del Mar, a Puerto Vallarta Property Management and Rental firm, is working with homeowners to help kids at risk. Together with their clients they are donating a stay in their vacation homes to the auction at the R.I.S.E. for Hope Fund Raiser.
Travel Insurance: Risk vs Reward
Jim Morrison
 I’m personally not a big advocate of insurance in general. Most of the time, I’d just rather take my chances. So it may strike some folks as hypocritical that I actually recommend that people traveling to Puerto Vallarta buy travel insurance.
What Your Home Wants You to Know - Selecting a Property Manager
Jim Morrison
 If you own property in Puerto Vallarta, and you don’t live here full time, you need a property manager to look after your home while you’re away. Any number of people will promise to do that - but you shouldn't entrust your home to just anybody.
What Your Home Wants You To Know - Residential Electrical 101
Jim Morrison
 Many expats who move to Puerto Vallarta are surprised to find that the electrical outlets in their home are ungrounded, and resolve immediately to have a grounded circuit installed to protect their computers. But protect them from what exactly?
What Your Home Wants You To Know - Your Questions, Our Answers
Jim Morrison
 Everything is just a little different here in Vallarta, so it’s no surprise that houses are, too. Casas del Mar PV answers some of the most common questions asked by people who are considering buying a home in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Traveling to Vallarta
Jim Morrison
 A big part of Puerto Vallarta’s charm is that everyone comes here in search of something a little different, and we all seem to find just what we’re looking for. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your Puerto Vallarta vacation.
Casas del Mar Names Brenda Retzlaff de Rivera General Manager
 Casas del Mar, a property services firm that rents, manages, and inspects vacation rental properties in Puerto Vallarta and throughout Banderas Bay, recently named Brenda Retzlaff de Rivera their new General Manager.
What Your House Wants You To Know - Keeping Cool
Jim Morrison
 Incorporating passive cooling techniques into your home design makes a lot of sense because not only is it much better for the environment; but also because it can lower your energy bill, and make your air conditioning equipment last longer too.
All Roads Lead to... Puerto Vallarta
Jim Morrison
 The Romans liked to say: “Omnes viae Romam ducunt” or “All Roads lead to Rome” - and it was true once, though no more. Nowadays, you are more likely to hear “Todos los caminos llevan a Vallarta” or “All roads lead to Vallarta.”
Preparing for the Worst - Hoping for the Best
Jim Morrison
 Hurricane season usually passes Vallarta without incident, however, hurricanes can, and have, reached the Banderas Bay area. Being prepared for them may just allow you to relax and enjoy your time in Paradise a little bit more.
Casas del Mar Expands Services to Include Vacation Rentals
Jim Morrison
 Using the internet to market to guests on both sides of the border, Casas del Mar is hoping to extend Puerto Vallarta’s “High Season” by promoting the "shoulder seasons" to vacationers who want to take advantage of the pleasant weather and lower prices.
If Walls Could Talk - Child Proofing Your Vacation Home
Jim Morrison
 Kids coming down for the holidays this year? Here are some easy ways you can help to ensure they stay safe! (But as the father of 2 very active sons, experience has taught me there is no substitute for constant, careful parental supervision...)
Smart Moves - Buying vs Renting
Jim Morrison
 If you're going to keep visiting Vallarta each year, it make sense to buy a property instead of renting. When you can't use it you rent it, and in a short period of time, your vacation home can be paying for itself, your vacations, and then some.
If Walls Could Talk...
Jim Morrison
 Termites. Simply mentioning the word makes homebuyers cringe. So what's a homeowner to do? First of all, relax. Once you know a little bit about termites, you can take some common sense steps to lower the likelihood that termites will start eating your home.
How to Find Your Home Inspector
Jim Morrison
 Buying a vacation home is a major financial decision that can dramatically improve your quality of life - but getting an accurate assessment of the condition of a home before you buy it is an essential piece of the process.
What Your Home Wants You to Know - Cracks
Jim Morrison
 Since there are cracks in almost every masonry wall in town, how can you tell if the one you're looking at is a serious crack from one that isn’t? Well, you can’t. But your home inspector should be able to.
Small Business - Big Heart
 Puerto Vallarta business owners Charlie Wood and Jim Morrison of Casas del Mar PV Property Services recently announced that they'll be donating $20 from each home inspection they perform in 2007 to the kids at Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza A.C.
What Your Home Wants You to Know
Jim Morrison
 The very first thing that Canadians and Americans learn when they come to live in Puerto Vallarta is this: We've been spoiled. Most Mexicans get by on a lot less, and with thinner margins of safety than most gringos are used to - especially around the house.
Why Hire a Home Inspector?
Jim Morrison
 Buying a home in Mexico is harrowing. Sure, real estate here costs less than in the US and Canada, but it's still expensive. Mexican construction, laws, and customs are so very different from Canada and the US, that the risk often feels magnified.
Top American Home Inspectors Come to Puerto Vallarta
Jim Morrison
 Top American home inspectors, Charlie Wood of Atlanta GA and Jim Morrison of Boston MA, recently opened a first-of-its-kind practice in Puerto Vallarta - home and condo inspections for prospective home buyers in the Banderas Bay area. | 
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