Local Profiles  
Local Chef Offers a Taste of Paradise
a profile of Paradise Bakery & Catering owner, Liana Turner

| Puerto Vallarta Chef, Liana Turner | 
| Paradise Bakery & Catering is located at Del Santuario 149, corner of Paseo de Las Palmas, Colonia Barrio Santa Maria, Puerto Vallarta. For more information, call (322) 222-5133 or visit VallartaCatering.com. | Liana Turner, the chef and owner at Paradise Bakery & Catering, home of the "Best Cinnamon Rolls in Vallarta," and some of the finest catering anywhere, is also an accomplished writer whose weekly column, The Irreverent Chef, has been delighting readers in local print publications since 2005.
 Raised in the Northwest U.S., in Seattle and the San Juan Islands, and having spent a short and dry couple of years in the desert of Eastern Washington State, Liana has worked in a variety of jobs on three continents, most of them having to do with food, wine or boats.
 She has been a hotel restaurant chef, a salmon slimer, a winery Public Relations Manager, an ad salesperson and designer, a "pilebuck" on a pile driving barge, a tugboat cook in Alaska, a salmon, halibut and dogfish fisherwoman, a guest house manager, restaurant owner, a chef on the Antarctic ice, dishwasher, bartender, luxury yacht chef, a comedy writer, photographer, and a few other things along the way.
 The proud mother of daughter Maia, son John, a really unruly adopted dog and three terrified cats, Liana has been living in the Puerto Vallarta area and concentrating on cooking up some of the best and most creative food in town for the last thirteen years.
 In January of 2003, Liana opened Paradise Bakery & Catering on the south side of Vallarta, serving delicious sandwiches, salads, main dishes, yummy sweet treats and her famous cinnamon rolls, and providing full service catering to all kinds of special events in Puerto Vallarta and the Banderas Bay area.
 In June of 2008, Liana moved Paradise Bakery & Catering to a new location in Colonia Lazaro Cardenas. She is very excited about her new storefront and invites everyone to stop by and say hello, try a free sample of just about anything you like and take home food for later, or sit at a cozy café table and enjoy a cup of Seattle style coffee.
 Today, Liana continues to write her informative and entertaining column, now called The Art of Dining & Living Well, which can be found right here on BanderasNews. As a long-time resident and one of the city's best known chefs, Liana can answer all of your questions about food, drink, home matters and living in Puerto Vallarta, so if there's something you'd like to know, please write to her at lianasea(at)msn.com.
The Art of Dining & Living Well: Poblano Chile... Big Green Goodness
Liana Turner
 Whenever you are looking for some good chile flavor without the heat, Poblano is your chile! It still gives good chile flavor, but without the lip-burning, throat-scorching heat of many other chiles. It has a subtle flavor that can't be found in any other chile.
The Art of Dining & Living Well: Good News in Puerto Vallarta
Liana Turner
 Long-time resident and local restaurant owner Liana Turner shares some of the strange and unusual things she's experienced while living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - from an iguana crossing and a near automobile accident to a soccer ball that fell out of the sky.
The Art of Dining & Living Well: The Pitillal River Walk
Liana Turner
 Part of 'living well' is getting enough exercise. After hearing about the Pitillal River Walk, I planned to go see it for myself nearly every day. I finally did, and was pleasantly surprised. It is not a long walk, but you could meander back and forth a few times and get a decent bit of exercise.
The Art of Dining and Living Well: The Mayonnaise Myth, or, Why Are My Neighbors Still Alive?
Liana Turner
 Everyone knows that mayonnaise should be refrigerated, right? If left at room temperature it grows dangerous levels of Salmonella and bacteria and other lethal things, right? And still our Mexican neighbors court death daily and don't refrigerate their mayo, even after it's been opened...
Liana Turner Opens Restaurant in Vallarta
David Olvera
 Daniel Alvarez takes us behind-the-scenes at Paradise Bakery & Catering owner Liana Turner's newest venture, Liana’s SazOn!, a Puerto Vallarta dinner restaurant featuring a selection of Mexican Food, Gourmet International, American Style Comfort Food and a variety of Teriyaki Dishes.
Liana's SazOn! Opening Party - Feb 25
Liana Turner
 Liana Turner, the chef and owner of Paradise Bakery & Catering, recently announced the opening of her newest venture, Liana’s SazOn!, a dinner restaurant featuring a selection of Mexican Food, Gourmet International and American Style Comfort Food, as well as a Full Breakfast for Dinner.
The Art of Dining & Living Well: Turkey on the Brain... The Perfect Roast Turkey Made Easy
Liana Turner
 American Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 26th. A really good turkey dinner is definitely something to be thankful for. Yes, it is a lot of work, but the rewards are great. Anyone can make a good turkey dinner. All you have to do is follow these simple instructions.
The Art of Dining & Living Well: The Art of Creative Parking is in Danger
Liana Turner
 Jalisco is the birthplace of many fine artists and art forms, such as Mariachi, Carlos Santana, Vicente Fernandez and Tequila. But here in Puerto Vallarta one of our most refined and widely practiced art forms is in danger - the art of 'creative parking'.
The Art of Dining & Living Well: Limon Tree, Very Pretty...
Liana Turner
 We normally have two different lime varieties to choose from in Vallarta. The most common is the Mexican lime, also known as Key lime, best for food and drink when it is still green. The second most common lime here is Persian lime, which are great for lemonade or 'agua fresca.'
The Art of Dining & Living Well... Food From the Gods
Liana Turner
 I had some fresh artichokes last night with an easy blender Hollandaise sauce, and they were fantastic, a fun food to share with friends and family. It is a small adventure as you pull off each leaf and finally reach the heart... small adventure with a big reward.
On Being a Single Woman (of a Certain Age) in Puerto Vallarta Part Three: Kissing Frogs
Liana Turner
 We shouldn't consider an unsuccessful relationship, or even several of them, to be failures. Be patient, make your own good life, and take care of yourself while you are single. Don't despair. Some people are just destined to kiss a lot of frogs before finding their prince... or princess.
The Second Time I Saw Alejandro Fernandez
Liana Turner
 The Jalisco en Vivo 2009 concert, which took place in Puerto Vallarta on June 20th, was intended to boost tourism for Jalisco. And it probably will do just that, but it also gave a boost to businesses here for the week of preparation and tearing down.
Paradise Bakery & Catering Summer Specials
Liana Turner
 Summer is a great time for entertaining, but sometimes it's just too much work. Whether you're planning a summer barbecue or cocktails on the patio, need some fresh baked goods to go, or want to take a cooking class, Paradise Bakery & Catering's Summer Specials are too hot to pass up.
The Last Time I Saw Alejandro Fernandez
Liana Turner
 Normally I'd rather stab myself in the hand with a meat fork than go anywhere where there will be a massive crowd of people. But after learning that Alejandro Fernandez will be performing another free concert in Vallarta on June 20, I wanted to share this article I wrote back in 2005 with you.
On Being a Single Woman (of a Certain Age) in Puerto Vallarta - Part Two - It's Not Me... It's You
Liana Turner
 In part one of this series, I may have been a little hard on the men, but they haven't responded in anger. I guess that if any men were offended it would have been because they were the jerks that I was writing about.
On Being a Single Woman of a Certain Age in Puerto Vallarta - Part One
Liana Turner
 I recently had a conversation with a lady who lives here. She is married, and has been for most of her adult life, so she was curious about what it is like to be a single woman in Puerto Vallarta. Well, let me tell you what I told her...
Irreverent Chef: Wheat Free, Gluten Free... What Does it All Mean?
Liana Turner
 Ten years ago, the necessity for wheat and gluten free products was virtually unheard of, but today, many are discovering that by making changes in diet (some subtle and some drastic) they can dramatically improve their health and life.
Another Super Easy, Super Good and Pretty Cheap Recipe: Mexi-Lasagna
Liana Turner
 This is a Mexican version of lasagna that I started making to sell in the bakery a few months ago. As with many great recipes, it was the result of available ingredients. In other words, I took what I had and made something out of it.
Irreverent Chef: Love on a Plate? Why Not?
Liana Turner
 Valentine’s Day is coming up. That means it is time to wake up the libido, so I’ve been investigating aphrodisiac foods. After extensive personal and academic research, I have come to the following conclusion: well, umm... maybe.
The Irreverent Chef: 2009, A Good Start
Liana Turner
 Nearly every country or culture has some recipe that has been created as a way to save some old baked goods... bread or cake. In Australia they have Lamingtons. Here in Mexico we have Pastel Tres Leches, and Capirotada, a variation of bread pudding.
Irreverent Chef: New Year Food Traditions
Liana Turner
 Most countries and cultures have some traditional foods that are eaten on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. Many of the foods somehow symbolize prosperity or luck for the coming year. Here is a list of some of those traditional foods.
Holiday Treats at Paradise Bakery
 Just because you're spending your Christmas holidays in Mexico doesn't mean you have to miss out on your favorite seasonal treats! Paradise Bakery & Catering chef/owner Liana Turner is preparing some very special items just in time for the holidays!
The Irreverent Chef: Cooking in the Coldest Place on Earth
Liana Turner
 The article I was planning for this week has been put on hold because instead of working/writing I decided to take in a movie at the Puerto Vallarta Film Festival about Antarctica, which caught my attention since I spent six months working there.
The Irreverent Chef: Yucca... Yumma!
Liana Turner
 Yucca used to be largely unknown in many parts of the world, but now it seems to be coming into the mainstream, thanks to the people who make those fantastic vegetable chips, which are a colorful and flavorful alternative to boring potato chips.
Irreverent Chef: Signs... Irony in Advertising?
Liana Turner
 There are some things I just don't understand yet about Mexico. One of these things is the practice of naming a business after a disease or any other dire fear, especially when the business is selling food. Is it supposed to be funny?
The Irreverent Chef: Thanksgiving
Liana Turner
 I have always felt protective about Thanksgiving... the dinner part of it, I mean. An American Thanksgiving dinner is a grand tradition, with turkey as the center and mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, yams and pumpkin pie rounding out the rest of the dinner.
Irreverent Chef: Differences, Continued
Liana Turner
 Last week I wrote about some differences between the land of my birth (Seattle) and my chosen home (Puerto Vallarta). The differences are many, and still on my mind as I wind down from the family-intensive wedding week/vacation in Seattle.
Irreverent Chef: Saludos Desde Seattle
Liana Turne
 This week I am writing from the lovely city of Seattle. Things are different here than they are in Vallarta, and the differences become even more noticeable when one spends considerable time away, like I have...
The Irreverent Chef: Fried Green Potatoes
Liana Turner
 I always thought that because potatoes are a member of the nightshade family, that any green parts of the tuber (that's the potato) or plant were extremely poisonous. I had read and heard it so many times, I just assumed that it was true...
Random Observations and Reviewing the Reviewers
Liana Turner
 My vote for the best food reviewer in Puerto Vallarta results in a tie. They work hard but are not payed for what they are doing. Both of these fine gentlemen keep us informed about the best places to eat as a labor of love, not as a commercial enterprise.
The Irreverent Chef: Things to Bring From the "Old Country"
Liana Turner
 I haven't been to the U.S. lately, and it seems like the longer I stay here, the less I miss from North of the Border. Now that I am planning a trip, though, my mind constantly wanders onto the same subject... What should I bring back?
Eggs: Out of the Chicken Into the Fridge?
Liana Turner
 Eggs are an amazing food. They can be eaten about 4000 or so different ways, in liquid or solid form, or something in between. As a chef I love eggs, as long as I don't think too much about what they really are, or where they really come from...
Irreverent Chef: Movies for Foodies
Liana Turner
 Movie reviewing is not normally my 'thing,' so I won't be starting now. I would, however, like to share with you some of the most memorable movies that are about food, centered around food, or at least have food in them.
Beans, Beans, the Magical Fruit...
Liana Turner
 I've never been fond of beans. They just don't seem to be very interesting, or maybe it's the color. Whatever it is, I'm trying to get over it. Let's face it, beans are good food, good nutrition, inexpensive, and an excellent source of protein.
Plan Now for Your Holiday Events in Puerto Vallarta
Liana Turner
 Now is the time to plan for your holiday events in Puerto Vallarta, especially the big ones, like Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve. Many caterers, venues and equipment rental places will be booked in advance - so start planning NOW!
Irreverent Chef: Manifold Destiny Cuisine
Liana Turner
 Yes, you can cook on your car engine. This is something many people have heard of, but few have actually tried. I don't know why it isn't more popular. I can tell you from personal experience that it really does work.
The Irreverent Chef: "No Cook" Cooking
Liana Turner
 It's summer. It's hot and steamy. Standing in front of a flaming stove doesn't seem very appealing. The thought of turning on an oven gives some of us nervous fits. Luckily, there are many things we can prepare without creating extra heat in the kitchen.
Irreverent Chef: Get To Know Your Pila
Liana Turner
 As a long-time resident and one of Vallarta's best known chefs, Liana Turner knows all about living in Mexico. This week, she answers a question that most Gringos who live here want to know: 'What is that strange cement sink-like thing in my house?'
The Irreverent Chef: Lettuce... Iceberg is IN Again
Liana Turner
 I have to admit right now that I have been a lettuce snob. I have turned up my nose at iceberg, curly leaf, and even on occasion, romaine. We all have stages that we go through, and one of mine was the "baby mix" stage.
Irreverent Chef: Eat the Rainbow - Put Some Color in Your Life!
Liana Turner
 When it comes to a healthy diet, it's really more important what you DO eat than what you don't. Eat the rainbow. Blueberries, apples, green lettuce, yellow bananas, orange oranges, red plums, yellow peppers, crimson raspberries... you get the idea.
The Irreverent Chef: Summertime... and the Livin' Is Easy?
Liana Turner
 I still love summer in Puerto Vallarta, but for those of us who live here year-round, summertime in paradise can be difficult. But, where there are problems, there are solutions. Here are a few ideas to help pick us up and keep us cool.
The Irreverent Chef: Party Time!
Liana Turner
 I like birthdays. They celebrate life, friends and survival. With my 50th birthday approaching quickly, I decided that I should do something. Some birthdays I don't mind letting pass quietly, but the "milestones" warrant some kind of festivities...
The Irreverent Chef: Chihuahua Cheese Comes From Where?
Liana Turner
 For many years I have been thinking that Chihuahua cheese had to be made in Chihuahua, Mexico, but after a quick perusal in one local supermarket, I found that's not the case. Read on to learn more - and for a quick and easy Old Fashioned Egg Salad recipe.
The Irreverent Chef: Anatomy of a Sandwich
Liana Turner
 Some people think you can slap a few things between two pieces of bread, and call it a sandwich. There is a certain order and technique required for making the perfect sandwich, and if the rules are followed, the results will prove it.
PV's Irreverent Chef Makes Some Moves
Liana Turner
 I'm Back! ...and so pleased to be beginning this new version of my old column here at BanderasNews. I am also happy to announce the opening of Paradise Bakery and Catering's new location. We are really excited to finally have a storefront again.
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