News from Around the Americas | January 2005  
Global Poll: Much Of World Thinks Bush Is Dangerous

London - More than half of people surveyed in a BBC World Service poll say the re-election of U.S. President George W. Bush has made the world more dangerous.
 Only three countries - India, Poland and the Philippines - out of 21 polled believed the world was now safer.
 The survey found that 47% of the 21,953 people questioned now see U.S. influence in the world as largely negative, and view Americans negatively as well.
 None of the countries polled supported contributing their troops to Iraq. "This is quite a grim picture for the U.S.," said Steven Kull, director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA), which carried out the poll with GlobeScan. "Negative feelings about Bush are high and are generalizing to the American people who re-elected him."
 On average across all countries, 58% of people - and 16 out of 21 countries polled - said they believed Bush's re-election to the White House made the world more dangerous. ---- Traditional allies
 Most negative feelings were found in Western European, Latin American and Muslim countries.
 They include traditional U.S. allies such as Germany, France, Britain and Italy as well as neighbors Canada and Mexico. The only European country to buck the trend was Poland, one of the new members of the European Union, which gave the thumbs up to both President Bush and the U.S.
 Turkey topped the anti-Bush list, with 82% believing his re-election would be negative for global security.
 The result is bad news for the president as Turkey is a U.S. ally and the only Muslim member of Nato, says the BBC's Chris Morris in Brussels.
 Other predominantly Muslim countries - Indonesia and Lebanon - were also high up the list.
 But, any warmer feelings in Indonesia towards the U.S. following its tsunami relief operations would not show up as the poll was carried out before the disaster struck, says the BBC's Dan Isaacs. --- Economic boom
 Anti-Bush sentiments also appeared to be strong in Latin America. Argentina, with 79%, and Brazil, with 78%, follow Turkey in the list.
 This seems surprising given that the region has had less direct involvement in U.S. foreign policy issues, says our correspondent.
 Another surprise was India's support for Bush. The poll found 62% believed his administration was positive for global security. The BBC's Nick Bryant says the reason for this may be because the poll was carried out in cities where people have benefited economically from closer trade ties with the U.S.
 Doug Miller, President of Globescan, said the findings "supports the view of some Americans that unless his administration changes its approach to world affairs in its second term, it will continue to erode America's good name, and hence its ability to effectively influence world affairs".
 But Kull says the results do not constitute a definitive world-wide majority, "suggesting there may be some underlying openness to repairing relations with the U.S.".
 PIPA interviewed between 500 and 1,800 people in each of the 21 countries surveyed, plus 1,000 Americans, in face-to-face or telephone interviews.
 The interviews took place between 15 November 2004 and 5 January 2005. The margin of error is between 2.5 and 4 points, depending on the country. | 
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