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Technology News 
People Lie in Modern Communications
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 In recent studies carried out at Cornell University, a number of very interesting stories came up as a consequence of today’s invasive communication’s means. What is not mentioned in the extracts of the article published by Cornell University, is “where” did they get those telephone messages from.
Facebook Generation Suffer Information Withdrawal Syndrome
Richard Gray
 Turning off mobile phones, avoiding the internet and tuning out of the television and radio can leave people suffering from symptoms similar to those seen in drug addicts trying to go cold turkey, researchers have found.
Craigslist Drops Adult Services Listings From International Sites
W.J. Hennigan
 Craigslist officially put its controversial adult services section out of business across the globe last month.
School Bans Facebook for a Week: Five Lessons Students Learned
Stacy Teicher Khadaroo
 A one-week blackout of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, and instant messaging at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology in Pennsylvania prompted students and faculty to reflect on – and in some cases, change – their usage habits.
The History of the Machine Gun
National Geographic Society
 At the center of every armed conflict of the 20th Century, the machine gun has been a tool of conquest - and of liberation.
Cell Phones: The New Activist Tool
Dana Wollman
 If you voted this fall, there’s a good chance you were texting about it. Twenty-six percent of adult Americans used their cell phones to encourage others to vote in November’s mid-term elections or to report back on conditions at their local voting sites, among other political activities.
Printing Ultra-Thin Circuits Into Banknotes Could Give Electronic Security to Paper Currency
Clay Dillow
 The team hasn’t quite yet worked out the anti-counterfeit part of the equation, but it’s not hard to see how future bills could be minted with tiny, flexible circuits printed right into them.
What is the Future’s Computer Context?
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 This was the question that was supposed to be under consideration in Techno Management 2010 which was held last October in Mexico City. The issues were quite clear and the first two answers were “the Cloud” and “Social Networks”.
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules, but Reform Groups Unsatisfied
Nadia Prupis
 In a 3-2 vote Tuesday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved net neutrality regulations that will ensure cable companies provide consumers with equal access to legal web sites and content.
Google Opens World’s Forests for All To See
Suzanne Bohan
 With Google’s new Earth Engine, anyone will be able to view forest conditions worldwide. When it launches next year, the online tool will provide satellite imagery of forests and will reveal where these woodlands have been razed or degraded by logging.
Mexico’s Velas Resorts Continue to Make Waves in the Social Media Sphere
 Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit along with ZipSetGo.com and the Riviera Nayarit Convention & Visitors Bureau recently hosted the first ever remote #TNI (Travelers Night In) tweetchat.
Osram Mexico Ready to Flip Switch to Efficient Light Bulbs
Laurence Iliff
 The incandescent light bulb, a fixture in the Mexican household, is being phased out by government regulations but market leader Osram said it is ready to win over consumers to newer technology.
YouTube Gives Users Ability to Flag Content tThat Promotes Terrorism
Craig Kanalley
 In response to concerns it's become a means of radical promotion, YouTube has now added an option for flagging content that is terrorist in nature.
Warrant Needed to Snoop on Your Emails, US Court Finally Rules
Daniel Tencer
 After many years of legal uncertainty, a federal appeals court has finally declared that emails have the same Fourth Amendment protections as regular mail and telephone calls.
Independent Artist Ferdkind on Global Digital Distribution from Home
Dave Toroni
 Independent artist Dave Toroni AKA Ferdkind has been writing acoustic and rock related music for most of his life. Although he is an independent artist it seems the sky is the limit in today's digital world.
Amazon Take Down of Wikileaks - Is the Free Internet Dead?
The Real News Network
 Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, talks about whether there is a serious threat to democracy and freedom of speech on the Internet.
"All-Out Cyber War" Over WikiLeaks
Brad Friedman
 "We will fire at anyone or anything that tries to censor WikiLeaks, including multi-billion dollar companies such as PayPal. ... The major shitstorm has begun."
Disaster on the Horizon: High Stakes, High Risks, and the Story Behind the Deepwater Well Blowout
Bob Cavnar
 As an insider, I believe I have a unique perspective on the oil and gas industry culture and how it contributed to the BP disaster. This book will examine the factors, both mechanical and human, that led up the blowout and subsequent oil spill.
An Inside Look at the "Hactivist" Takedown of Visa After WikiLeaks Cut Off
Mike Ludwig
 Web pirates are waging cyberwarfare in defense of WikiLeaks, and I had a rare glimpse into the hacktivists' hidden world of Internet sabotage in a secret chat room as the faceless hackers orchestrated the attack that temporarily shut down www.Visa.com on Wednesday evening.
Army of Hackers Targets the Swedish Government, Sarah Palin and Credit Card Giants in WikiLeaks 'Operation: Payback'
Colin Fernandez & Laura Caroe
 Computer hackers have sent two of the world’s biggest credit card companies into meltdown in revenge for cutting off payments to the WikiLeaks website.
Wikileaks: Stop Us? You'll Have to Shut Down the Web
Devin Dwyer & Jim Sciutto
 The arrest and detention of Julian Assange Tuesday on charges of rape and sexual assault was at the least a convenient development for government leaders who've sought ways to contain the leader of the controversial website Wikileaks.
4channers Go After PayPal, Swiss Bank in Defense of Wikileaks
Max Read
 4chan-affiliated hacker group Anonymous has declared war on enemies of secret-sharing site Wikileaks. Internet war! Their first targets: PayPal, which won't facilitate donations to Wikileaks, and PostFinance, the Swiss bank that froze founder Julian Assange's accounts.
Improved Car Batteries 5 Years Off: Energy Chief
Timothy Gardner
 Cars that run on batteries will begin to be competitive with ones that burn petroleum fuels in about five years, the U.S. energy secretary said at the annual U.N. climate talks.
Here Come Homeland Security Internet Police, and They're Already Shutting Down Web Sites They Don't Like
Julianne Escobedo Shepherd
 Last week, the Department of Homeland Security seized 82 domain names for allegedly hawking counterfeit goods ranging from knockoff Coach handbags to bootleg DVDs.
Challenging HIV Through Social Networking
 Tapping into young people’s use of online social networks presents health agencies with a powerful opportunity to help control the rise in HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in homeless youth.
US Feds Way Behind in Cyber Security
Lolita C. Baldor
 As the Department of Homeland Security moves methodically to pare down and secure the approximately 2,400 network connections used every day by millions of federal workers, experts suggest that technology already may be passing them by.
As Climate Talks Drag On, More Ponder Techno-Fixes
Associated Press
 Like the warming atmosphere above, a once-taboo idea hangs over the slow, frustrating U.N. talks to curb climate change: the idea to tinker with the atmosphere or the planet itself, pollute the skies to ward off the sun, fill the oceans with gas-eating plankton, do whatever it takes.
PayPal Pulls the Plug on WikiLeaks
Juergen Baetz
 WikiLeaks has lost a major source of revenue after the online payment service provider PayPal cut off its account used to collect donations, saying the website is engaged in illegal activity.
Chinese Passenger Train Tops 300 MPH During Test Run
Associated Press
 A Chinese passenger train hit a speed of 302 miles per hour (486 kilometers per hour) during a test run Friday on a route between Beijing and Shanghai that is expected to open in 2012.
Race Is On to 'Fingerprint' Phones, PCs
Julia Angwin & Jennifer Valentino-Devries
 David Norris wants to collect the digital equivalent of fingerprints from every computer, cellphone and TV set-top box in the world. He's off to a good start.

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