New Board for Preservation and Rescue of the Historic Center Sworn In

A new board aiming to preserve and rescue the historic downtown area of Puerto Vallarta was sworn in at the City Council meeting in the last week of January 2005.
 The board is made up of representatives of City Hall and citizens from the private sector. Participants include Mayor Gustavo González Villaseñor for City Hall; councilmen Agustín Álvarez Valdivia; Víctor Hugo Fernández Flores, president of the Urban Plannning Commission; the Secretary General of City Hall, Antonio Lugo Morales; Public Works Director Remberto Quintero Gutiérrez; Urban Planning Director, Carlos Manzano Zepeda and Tourism Director, José Luis Díaz Borioli.
 Citizen Councilmembers are: Architect Abel Villa, as president; Héctor Pérez García, secretary; Luz María Torres, treasurer; and as board members, Ignacio Cadena, Thierry Blouet, Luis Reyes Brambila, Laura Mestre, José Díaz Escalera, César Alfredo Dachary, Enrique Carothers, Gemma Garciarce and Barbara Peters of Galeria Vallarta.
 With the intention of preserving the image of Puerto Vallarta as a typical pueblo, the Patronato's prestigious community leaders are dedicated to their task. The group will be able to receive federal and municipal funds in addition to local donations for beautification, tourist booths, directional signs, lighting, architectural planning etc. and will have the power to enforce existing regulations or create new ones when necessary. Problems with buses, traffic, pollution, circulation of tourists, parking, preservation of historic buildings etc. will be worked on. Please send any ideas or suggestions you may have for this group to consider to:
 After the inaugural ceremony, Architect Abel Villa, president of the new board for Conservation, Preservation and Rescue of the Historical City Center of Puerto Vallarta, expressed his confidence in the new board members and pledged to work hard to attain the goals and objectives established in the incorporation act. Source – Ambito Puerto Vallarta Weekly Newspaper |