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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkNews Around the Republic of Mexico | February 2005 

Who Says Fox Hasn't Done Anything for Mexico?
email this pageprint this pageemail usIgnacio Martinez - PVNN

Mexico City — Statistics show that under the Vicente Fox Quezada administration the Mexican people are enjoying a life of peace, prosperity, democracy and freedom in the Republic of Mexico.

Statistics for changes in Mexico during the Fox administration:

1. The peso has remained solid, maintaining an exchange rate of between 10-$11 pesos per $1 USD over the last 4 years.

2. A sum total of 4% annual inflation.

3. The Mexican Bolsa [Stock Market] is strong and profitable, with some of the best quality investment opportunities in history.

5. Mexico has $52 billion USD in reserve.

6. Mexican citizens enjoy freedom of press, T.V. and thought.

7. Strengthened the equality of the three powers of the Union.

8. Mexico has paid off all of it's debt to the International Monetary Fund.

9. The IFAI was established, and for the first time ever, the Mexican people know what their tax dollars are being spent on - and how much.

10. Under Fox's management nationals that work in the US can now send money to their relatives in Mexico for half the cost.

11. The majority of 2003 annual income taxes were paid in the first month and a half of 2004.

12. Cigarrette and alcohol have been banned from advertising on public television stations.

13. Through the "Seguro Popular" program, Mexico's federal government is offering low-cost and efficient medical services to poor families. Children with cancer are automatically covered without additional cost or bureaucratic red tape.

14. In February 2005, Mexico had its first US-style public trial, replacing a slow and secretive judicial process conducted on paper, and moving Mexico a step closer toward reforms President Vicente Fox is seeking nationwide.

15. President Vicente Fox has set a goal of boosting the number of mortgages provided in Mexico to 750,000 during his last year in office to help meet the country's need for an estimated 4 million to 5 million more homes - a goal that many now view as achievable.

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