Students Create New Car Alarm
Wire services
 Nezahualcóyotl, State of Mexico - Two students at the Nezahualcoyotl Technical University (UTN) have developed a new car alarm that connects with a cellular or residential telephone to notify owners of suspicious activity.
 The students, Monserrat Caballero and Juan Ramón Flores, along with their professor Eliseo Pérez, have created a system that they say will both help to prevent car theft and recover stolen vehicles.
 Like convention car alarms, the new system uses a motion detector to trigger its activation. But in this case, instead of sounding an alarm, a signal is sent to the telephone of the car's owner. The owner then enters a code that shuts down the vehicle's electrical system, making it impossible to start.
 "The sensor is located on the interior of the vehicle, it is very difficult to see, and it doesn't make a sound when it is activated," explains Flores. "Furthermore, we designed it in such a way so that only a trained electronics specialist, a programmer or robotics expert could deactivate it."
 The system is designed to work in all areas of the capital, as well as throughout the rest of the country, the students explain. |