News Around the Republic of Mexico | May 2005  
Large New Blast From Mexico's Volcano Of Fire
Associated Press

| The peak is part of the Colima Volcano complex, and is considered the most violent in Mexico. | Colima - An explosion shook western Mexico's Volcano of Fire early Monday, sending a plume of ash and smoke 3 miles into the air and scattering hot rocks on the mountain's slopes, according to local officials.
 The government of nearby Jalisco state said in a news release that the blast at 3:26 a.m. (4:26 EDT) was slightly larger than one that shook the 12,533-foot volcano earlier this month.
 "It was pretty energetic," said Tonatiuh Dominguez, director of the seismology center at the University of Colima, which is in charge of monitoring the volcano.
 He said there was no immediate danger to settlements closest to the mountain 490 miles west of Mexico City, but added that similar eruptions were likely in the future.
 The Jalisco government said the eruption was "one of the most important explosions of the last 10 years," shooting glowing rock almost half a mile into the air.
 Dominguez said two ash plumes – one of them 3 miles high – drifted to the southeast and northeast.
 Jalisco officials said ash fell on several nearby towns and cities, but it did not announce any evacuations.
 The peak, part of the Colima Volcano complex, is considered one of the most violent in Mexico. A 1913 blast created a crater 1,650 feet deep. | 
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