News from Around Banderas Bay | July 2005  
Children with Cancer Vacation in Vallarta

| Francisco Galván does everything he can to ensure that children who are fighting cancer not only have the resources they need to recover their health, but also have every chance to enjoy their childhood. | Summertime equals vacation time for most families, even those with children who have cancer. Casa CANICA (Centro de Apoyo a Niños con Cáncer A.C. or aid center for children with cancer), a charitable organization based in Guadalajara, is bringing children with cancer and their families to Puerto Vallarta for a fun-filled beach vacation.
 For more than 5 years, CANICA founder and director Francisco Javier Galván Villarreal has been reaching out to children with cancer by not only finding economic resources to help pay for necessary cancer treatments and medications, but also by making sure that these small cancer victims are treated like children.
 To achieve this goal, every year the organization collects toys to be given to the children on special days like Christmas and April 30th, known in Mexico as "El Día del Niño" or Children's Day, and by making it possible for these kids and their families to enjoy a summer vacation on the beach.
 "Every child deserves a vacation," says Galván, "especially kids with cancer who need so much unconditional love." In fact, he considers love the most important factor in the daily care of the children, so he does everything he can to ensure that children who are fighting cancer not only have the resources they need to recover their health, but also have every chance to enjoy their childhood.
 Some of the local representatives recognized for their efforts and involvement in CANICA's Puerto Vallarta summer vacation program are Maripepa González, Public Relations Manager for the Westin Regina and Alfonso Salgado, General Director of Sea Life Park. For further information about this charitable organization, see www.casacanica.org or call the local DIF (integrated family development) offices at (322) 225-9936. Donations can be made to Bancomer account 014-151-1319, registered under Centro de Apoyo a Niños con Cáncer A.C. | 
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