A Day Out of Time

| On Monday, July 25th, youth, families, and the community are invited to celebrate World Peace Day at the Central Cultural Cuale (CCC) on Isla Rio Cuale. | Puerto Vallarta - On Monday, July 25th, youth, families, and the community are invited to celebrate World Peace Day at the Central Cultural Cuale (CCC) on Isla Rio Cuale. For over ten years "The Day Out of Time" has been celebrated as a day of planetary peace, forgiveness and artistic celebration.
 With the support and participation of community-based organizations, artists, and peace-minded individuals, the event in Puerto Vallarta will occur simultaneously with "Peace Through Culture" celebrations happening around the world in countries such as the US, Brazil, Russia, Japan, and Kenya.
 Here in Vallarta, this day-long event begins at 8 am with a sacred fire ceremony, which will be followed by a reading on synchronicity. Other activities include yoga, art workshops, an open forum for artists, a showing of the video "Time is Art," a contemporary dance performance, rainbow meditations and, finally, thanksgiving and a closing ceremony.
 The date of July 25th coincides with an annual solar/cosmic event known to the classic Mayan civilization of Mexico as the "Day Out of Time." On, or about, July 25th each year, the "Dog Star" Sirius begins its heliacal ascent from behind the Sun, making it visible once again above the night horizon.
 Ancient cultures mark this cycle as the beginning of a new solar/galactic year, or "Sothic" year as it was known to the ancient Egyptians. Today, the "Day Out of Time" is celebrated annually around the world with "Peace Through Culture" festivals and events that seek to raise awareness about the importance of humanity returning to Natural Time, i.e. the cycles of nature, such as 28 days per moon and 13 moons per year, akin to women's fertility cycles.
 On July 25th, join millions of people around the world - and your friends and neighbors at the cultural center on the east end of Isla Rio Cuale in Puerto Vallarta - as they enjoy the experience of deep inner peace by participating in a variety of programs designed to extend that peace into our world. |