News from Around Banderas Bay | August 2005  
Funds for Handicrafts Corridor on Isla Cuale in Question

| In a recent press conference Sr. Eduardo García Joya, head of Economic Promotion in Puerto Vallarta, said that if the $6 million pesos needed for the Isla Cuale Handicrafts Corridor was not met soon, the federal funds would be reallocated to other projects within the State of Jalisco. | Puerto Vallarta - Last June, Puerto Vallarta's Secretary of Economy, Armando Sojo Garza Adalpe, met with Mayor Gustavo González Villaseñor and a group of business owners to propose a new marketplace on the Rio Cuale that would give street and beach vendors a place to run "legitimate" businesses.
 Sr. Adalpe indicated that the Jalisco Secretary of Economy had $2 million pesos available for the project, and the Governor of Jalisco would contribute another $2 million pesos if city authorities would donate a similar amount of money or the space on the Rio Cuale, to establish the new marketplace.
 In a recent press conference, Sr. Eduardo García Joya, head of Economic Promotion, said that although the funds from the Jalisco Secretary of Economy for the Isla Cuale Handicrafts Corridor have already been authorized, they are not available at this time because they have not yet been matched by the $2 million pesos promised by the State government, though a response was expected from the govenor's office by the end of last week.
 When he was asked if this delay put the project at risk, García dismissed the possibility, saying that they were still in time to get an answer from the State government. However, he did acknowledge that the funds were not 100% guaranteed, and added that if the construction of the "corridor" was not started this year, it would have to be presented to the City Council again next April, and if approved, the funds would be made available in June of 2006.
 Sr. García explained that if the total of $6 million pesos - [$2 million from the Economy Department, $2 million from the State government and $2 million from the vendors themselves,] was not obtained, the federal funds would not be lost, but would simply be reallocated to other projects within the State of Jalisco.
 When questioned about the $2 million from the vendors themselves, and the Mayor's promise to establish a proper place for "informal" salesmen following the relocation of vendor booths due to the construction of the controversial parking lots, Sr. García admitted that without the vendors' contribution there would be $2 million pesos missing from the needed funds, half of which could be covered by the City Council, and the other half by the Puerto Vallarta Department of Economy. | 
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