Local School Kids Need Your Help
Harold Sokolove - PVNN

| Let Joann know if she's tugged your heartstrings enough to help you loosen your purse strings. For more information, call Joann or Patricia at (329) 298-1767 or 044-322-728-7519, or by email at casatranquila@prodigy.net.mx. | School starts on August 22nd in Bucerias, Mexico. But school bells may not be ringing for 6 local school age children.
 Joann Quickstad and Patricia Mendez don't want to face that awful news. The two community-minded women who run Gringo's Bookstore and Casa Tranquila, a small hotel at Morelos #7 in Bucerias, donate a lot of their free time to improving the lives of the residents of Puerto Vallarta, Bucerias and beyond, especially children.
 Over the last several years, Joann and Patricia have rounded up funds to help keep some of the local kids in school. Just recently, they found out that a local gentleman who had helped last year and had promised to help again this year had moved away.
 So, there are going to be six girls who live in Bucerias who probably won't go to school this year without the financial help that they received last year. In an effort to keep this from happening, Joann recently sent emails to everyone she knew asking for a donation, no matter how small.
 "The money," Joann said, "would buy a pair of nice school shoes (that lasts all year) costs $350 pesos; a school uniform costs $400 pesos; a backpack (that lasts all year) costs $250 pesos; pencils, papers, pens, notebooks, compasses, protractors, colored pencils, color crayons, pencil sharpeners, glue, rulers, pencil boxes, $1200 pesos; and they also need money to buy shirts, socks and gym uniforms."
 According to Joann, that's a total of $2200 pesos per child times 6, she would need to make sure that these girls [who range in age from 9 to 14] get the education they need and deserve. Joann and Patricia ask, if you can, to help by making a dontion of $5, $10 or $20 USD. If you ask 4 friends and they help too, that's $25 or $50 or $100 dollars.
 Let Joann know if she's tugged your heartstrings enough to help you loosen your purse strings. For more information, call Joann or Patricia at [329] 298-1767 or call their cell phone, 044-322-728-7519, or by email at casatranquila@prodigy.net.mx. |