News from Around Banderas Bay | September 2005  
Flying Katrina Disaster Relief

| If you would like to be part of this charitable effort, please send your donations to: ANGEL FLIGHT 300 LEW JENNINGS P.O. BOX 1400 FRIDAY HARBOR, WA 98250 | Puerto Vallarta - Lew Jennings, who for the past 10 years has published the helpful Boater’s Guide here in Vallarta with a hundred per cent of the funds distributed between local charities, has found a way to help the survivors of Katrina and the disaster relief efforts - and he needs your help.
 Lew is a retired military officer and former airline pilot who flew 726 helicopter combat missions in Vietnam, was a search and rescue coordinator for all four services, and has been active in general aviation for over 40 years. Like many of us, he desperately wants to do something personally to help the survivors of Katrina.
 Jennings found a way to personally help those in need by volunteering to spend several months of his time flying disaster relief missions for the Homeland Security Emergency Air Transporation System, Air Care Alliance, and Angel Flight America.
 His goal is to fly 300 disaster relief and patient transport missions. Whether delivering disaster relief supplies, transporting medical patients, or reuniting family members - he plans to make each and every flight a huge success. Lew is calling this great humanitarian effort Angel Flight 300 - and he needs your help to make it happen.
 Lew is personally paying for the airplane, insurance, and all of his own relocation and living expenses, however, the direct operating cost of flying 300 missions - fuel, oil, and maintenance - is estimated to be $30,000 or more. If you would like to be personally involved in helping Lew fly these missions please consider donating $10, $100, $500 or more to help pay for the direct operating expenses.
 Each and every dollar will only be spent in direct support of Katrina disaster relief flights and patient transport missions. All donations are tax deductable as they directly contribute to Angel Flight America, the Air Care Alliance and other reputable charitable organizations that organize the missions.
 Jennings will be posting a website for Angel Flight 300 at http://www.angelflight300.org with daily updates of his flight mission board including flight details, photos, stories and anecdotes so everyone can see what is happening and feel a part of the wonderful work we will be doing together.
 After 90 days of continuous operations he will then revert to part-time status and continue to fly missions for up to a year or until the funds run out. If there are any funds remaining in the account at the end of one year of operations, those funds will be donated to Angel Flight America and the Air Care Alliance.
 We can all make a difference. If you would like to be part of this charitable effort, please send your donations to:
 Checks should be made payable to "Angel Flight 300." The Angel Flight 300 bank account and books are being mantained by a bonded third party and all funds are dedicated to disaster relief and patient transport. For donations of $100 or more, contibutors will be sent a thank you reply and receipt for their funds - please include an email address with your donation to save postage costs.
 If you believe in his cause, please pass this request on to friends and family that may be able to support Angel Flight 300. Lew extends his heartfelt thanks for your generosity and support in helping those in need. For more information or to contact Lew directly, please send him an email at lewjennings@yahoo.com | 
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