News from Around the Americas | September 2005  
Case of Cuban Five to Be Heard in Washington DC
Prensa Latina
 Washington - With an impressive international and national support, an array of women leaders from organizations across the US will converge in Washington DC Friday to ask Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to immediately free the Cuban Five.
 Teresa Gutierrez of the New York Committee said about the effort of the women’s delegation that "despite the significant steps forward witnessed by the UN ruling and the August 9 appellate court decision, the struggle to free the Five is far from over."
 They´ll be delivering a letter signed by about 200 people to demand the release of Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino and René González who have been held since 1998 in US federal prisons, under sentences ranging from 15 years to double life.
 "The women’s letter to Attorney General Gonzáles is important so that every sector of the population in this country is exposed to this case," Gutierrez explained.
 They were railroaded into jail amidst the fierce anti-communist climate in Miami for monitoring the terrorist activities of right-wing groups against revolutionary Cuba.
 On May 27 the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention ruled that the imprisonment of the Cuban Five was unjust and violated international law.
 In August, a panel of the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals declared the convictions null and void, and said each defendant deserved a new trial.
 The women´s delegation asked to speak with the attorney general in order to protest the continued incarceration of the Five, and to demand visitation rights for the prisoners´ families.
 Women leaders from an impressive spectrum of American and international organizations, from human rights, anti-prison to social and religious groups, signed a letter addressed to the US Attorney General. | 
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