News from Around the Americas | September 2005  
Hugo Chavez Denounces US Plan to Invade Venezuela
Prensa Latina

| Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez mentioned the calls voiced by Reverend Pat Robertson, who said that killing Chavez was much less expensive than starting a 200-million dollar war. | Washington - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has denounced here Saturday the existence of a US governmental plan, codenamed Plan Balboa, to invade Venezuela.
 In statements to the ABC TV network, Chavez said he has evidence of the plan, and even promised he will send his interviewer portions of the proving documents of Plan Balboa.
 Chavez assured Venezuela is ready to fight an aggression and predicted that Washington will be involved in a 100-year war, in case it attacks the government of Caracas.
 He said that recently, US soldiers participated in military exercises in the island of Curacao, just in front of the Venezuelan northeastern coast, saying it΄s a sign of military preparations.
 The Venezuelan dignitary, who flew to New York to attend the UN Summit, reasserted his warning that in case of an attack Caracas would interrupt its oil supply to US.
 US receives nearly a million and half barrels a day from Venezuela.
 Chavez also rejected statements by the White House on the possible apathy of Caracas in fighting drug-trafficking.
 "That is totally false, we have established a record on seizing cocaine this year," Chavez stressed.
 In a news conference in New York, in the framework of the 60th Period of Sessions of the UN General Assembly, Chavez denounced the double standard of the US government on terrorism.
 He said that Washington protects Luis Posada Carriles, the father of all terrorists, who among other acts of terror, blew up a Cuban commercial plane that took the life of 73 people in 1976. He also mentioned the calls voiced by Reverend Pat Robertson, who said that killing Chavez was much less expensive than starting a 200-million dollar war.
 "That is terrorism, but the US government protects Robertson, because he is quite close to the White House and he finances electoral campaigns," he commented. | 
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