News from Around the Americas | September 2005  
UN To Take On US Blockade of Cuba
Pensa Latina

| Foreign and local media watch a slide show on the U.S. embargo against Cuba during a news conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Havana. (Photo: Claudia Daut/Reuters) | United Nations - The UN leadership has begun to compile reports on the US blockade against Cuba, as part of preparations for a new campaign of condemnation of this hostile policy.
 Accusatory facts and figures included in these reports made by UN member countries and bodies will be the basis of a main report on the issue to be presented by Secretary General Kofi Annan.
 Annan´s report, which is expected to be submitted to the 60th period of sessions of the General Assembly, will begin to circulate in early October, diplomatic officials told Prensa Latina.
 Apart from the SG´s report, in the next few days the Cuban mission to the UN will distribute a Havana-drafted document that goes into details on the impact of the US hostile policy on life on the Island.
 The policy of blockade maintained by the US against Cuba for more than 40 years in order to put down the revolutionary system in the Island has been categorically rejected by the General Assembly since 1991, when it was first included in the agenda for discussion.
 This systematic repudiation by the international community leaves no room for ambivalence, according to political analysts.
 All votings, with mayorities of up to 179 in favor, have claimed the "need to put an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba."
 "It is inadmissible that any State tries unilaterally to modify any other state´s political system by military, political, economic or any other kind of pressure," a spokesman for the Belarus mission said.
 Meanwhile, Argentine diplomatic sources indicated that Buenos Aires affirmative vote on this issue has always reflected "our long standing view which favors a removal of such unilateral measures."
 On its part, the South African delegation has condemned the US blockade against Cuba as it constitutes "a violation of principles of sovereign equality of states, non-intervention and non-interference in other countries" internal affairs.
 According to a United Nations Human Settlements Program report, the US blockade against Cuba has affected house building and maintenance, as well as reconstruction works in the wake of natural disasters in the Island.
 The United Nations Cildren´s Fund has said that even though social indicators in Cuba, especially regarding to children, are the highest in the region, the US blockade "creates real daily hardships for the Cuban government to maintain these indicators high." | 
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