News from Around the Americas | September 2005  
Hurricane Katrina Relief Contacts

| Former Presidents Bill Clinton, left, and George H.W. Bush speak during a press conference in Houston before meeting with Hurricane Katrina refugees. (Photo: Pat Sullivan) | The American Red Cross is fielding inquiries from those outside the disaster area. Their website is: www.redcross.org. For news from the Southeast Louisiana Chapter of the Red Cross you can visit their site at www.arcno.org.
 To donate to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund which provides shelter, food, counseling and other needed assistance to disasters across the United States visit www.redcross.org. You will be asked for a U.S. address.
 The phone numbers made available are 1-800-HELP-NOW or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish), but U.S. toll-free numbers are usually not available from Mexico.
 For those who cannot make a donation through their website or by calling the toll-free numbers the American Red Cross recommends they call the Mexican Red Cross at (55) 10844567 or 1084-4568 and give them a donation specifying that it go to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Their website is www.cruzrojamexicana.org.
 For those who would like to send a U.S. check directly to the organization the address of the donation center is: American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund P.O. Box 37243 Washington, DC 20013 For those seeking information on loved ones the American Red Cross has established a public Web site. To register, click on the "Family Links Registry" on www.redcross.org. Because of the high-volume of displaced persons, the site is updated continuously and users are encouraged to visit the site daily.
 The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network also relays inquiries to disaster areas through Salvation Army personnel. You can submit a Health and Welfare Information Request online at http://www.satern.org.
 The American Benevolent Society, in Mexico City, is accepting monetary donations at its office, at Paseo de la Reforma 1870-201, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec.
 Unless otherwise designated, the donations will be forwarded to the American Red Cross. For further information, please contact Martha Martínez at 5540-5123 or by email at maamtz@prodigy.net.
 For a list of relief agencies involved in rescue efforts, visit: www.fema.gov/press/2005/katrinadonations.shtm.
 Information provided by the U.S. Embassy in Mexico, American Benevolent Society and the American Red Cross. | 
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