News from Around Banderas Bay | October 2005  
Help Make Ulysses' Wish Come True
 The Puerto Vallarta Chapter of Make a Wish was formed in November of 2000 by New Mexico's former Make a Wish Foundation Vice President, Bob Mandel. Since that time, MAW Mexico has been granting wishes to terminally ill children, bestowing everything from trips to Disneyland or the beach, to bicycles and electric cars, to the opportunity to meet a television star or be a model for a day.
 But all Ulysses, a 14 year old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, wants is to become famous by getting into the Guinness Book Of World Records by collecting the most business cards. Guinness World Records is the global authority on record-breaking achievements, and the last time an endeavor such as this was undertaken was in 1989.
 At that time, a boy fighting cancer started a campaign for people to send him get-well messages in order to set a record for the most items received. Though his wish was fulfilled by another wish-granting organization not associated with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the boy was not only successful in getting a mention in the 1991 edition of the Guinness World Records book, but he also made a full recovery.
 The joy of bringing a smile to a dying child's face and a twinkle to their eyes in the midst of suffering is Make a Wish's goal, and here in Puerto Vallarta local residents and businesses alike have taken the Make a Wish Foundation to heart. So once again, Bob Mandel is asking for your help.
 He requests that everyone ask all of their friends, associates, etc to help Ulysses reach his goal by collecting all of the old business cards that are lying around your home or office and sending them to:
 Ulysses' Wish c/o Make-A-Wish Foundation of Mexico Calle Guerrero #200, Suite #222 Col. Centro Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco CP 48300
 If you'll include your email address in the package, members of the Puerto Vallarta chapter of the Make a Wish Foundation Mexico will keep you posted on Ulysses' progress. Since its inception, the Puerto Vallarta Chapter has granted more than one wish a month, and as more businesses have become aware of MAWFI in Puerto Vallarta, more wishes are in the works.
 Make a Wish Vallarta is currently planning a fund raising dinner and auction at the Outback Steakhouse on November 29, 2005. "I invite you to join us and experience how great the power of a wish can be. If you would like to be a volunteer, make a much needed donation or refer a child for a wish, please provide the required information or contact me personally at: info@makeawishmexico.org or call [800] 337-3671," Mandel says. Ulises es un jovencito de 14 años, que padece leucemia linfoblastica aguda. El desea ser famoso apareciendo en el " libro de Guinness" ¿como? logrando juntar muchas tarjetas de presentacion. En tal virtud, te invitamos a colaborar con nosotros, así como a todos tus contactos, conocidos, asociados, amigos, etc. a enviar todas las tarjetas de presentación que esten a su alcance a:
 Make-A-Wish Foundation of México Calle Guerrero #200, Suite #222 Col. Centro Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco CP 48300 Mexico
 Por favor incluye tu direccion de mail para mantenerte informado del progreso. Si deseas ser voluntario, referir algún niño o adoptar un deseo, por favor comunícate con nosotros al teléfono 01 800 DESEOS 1( 3373671) o 01 (322)22 29 111 ó visite nuestra página: www.makeawishmexico.org.mx o escribanos a info@makeawishmexico.org.mx.
 Sin mas por el momento agradezco de antemano tu apoyo en nombre de Ulises y de la Fundacion.
 Bob Mandel Presidente Make a Wish Foundation | 
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