Jennifer Lopez Films in Nogales
Wire reports & El Universal
 Monterrey Singeractress Jennifer Lopez is in the Mexican border city of Nogales filming a movie about the largely unsolved killings of women in Ciudad Juárez.
 Traffic backed up around the set and hundreds of people crowded the streets of Nogales, across from Nogales, Arizona, to get a glimpse of Lopez, who was accompanied by her husband, singer-actor Marc Anthony, local newspapers reported Tuesday.
 In "Bordertown," cowritten and directed by Gregory Nava, Lopez plays a Chicago-based reporter sent to Mexico to investigate the killings.
 Dressed in a blue shirt, khaki pants and a blonde wig, Lopez chased a bus and attended a street protest in the first two scenes filmed in Nogales on Monday. After each scene, the crowd of onlookers broke into applause, newspapers reported.
 The film, which also includes Antonio Banderas, began production in New Mexico in July.
 Filming in Nogales, where a crew has already built a shantytown resembling Anapra, a Juárez neighborhood where many of the victims lived, will last at least a week and the production will then move to Mexicali, on the California border, according to newspaper reports. |