News from Around the Americas | October 2005  
Half of the World´s Youth Live in Poverty
Prensa Latina
 United Nations - At least half of the world´s young people are poor, with 130 million of them illiterate, according to the World Report on Youth 2005: Young People Today and in 2015.
 Director of Social and Development Policies of the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs Johan Scholvinck presented the three-part document dealing with the situation of youth.
 Youth and Global Economy, Youth in Civil Society and Youth at Risk are the three parts of the report, which includes a number of chapters on current and future problems facing 15-24 year-old people.
 Briefing the press here, Scholvinck explained that the first part of the report provides an overview of trends regarding globalization, education, employment, hunger and poverty.
 Despite receiving more education, unemployment among the world´s young people is reaching record levels, exceeding 88 million people, the report indicates.
 The document places the number of young people living in poverty at 20 million, with 15 million living on less than two dollars daily. At least 18 percent of those aged from 15 to 24 years are living on less than a dollar a day, it added.
 The report emphasizes another impact of poverty, which is its transfer from one generation to another, and its impact on young people.
 Regarding Latin America and the Caribbean, it says that young people from this region make up 16.6 percent of the world´s unemployed youth.
 The presentation of the report will be followed by a number of activities, with the highlight scheduled for Thursday at the UN General Assembly, where progress towards the implementation of the Action Program for Youth adopted in 1995 will be assessed. | 
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