News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2005  
December Events at Cornerstone Hospital

| For further information please call Pamela Thompson at 224-8122, 224-9400, or send an email to pmt15@hotmail.com. | Puerto Vallarta - Cornerstone Hospital has just released its community calendar for the month of December, which includes a variety of activities and events ranging from tours of the hospital to seminars and conferences on health-related issues.
 We all get the "blues" now and then, especially during the holiday season, so on Monday, December 5th at 7:30 pm, Therapist Susan Lineberger will give an encore performance of her free Mental Health Series, "If I Am Living in Paradise, Why Am I So Unhappy?"
 If you, or someone you know, suffers from chronic pain, don't miss the free Monthly Pain Control Support Group on Thursday, December 8, 2005 at Cornerstone Hospital. Together with group leader, Cindy Restivo, you will learn ways to control pain, both mentally and physically, from speakers (physicians) and other professionals in the field.
 If you haven't received a flu shot yet, the Clinica Intermedica will be holding a Flu Vaccine Clinic on Tuesday, December 13th from 5 to 8 pm. Flu shots cost just $350 pesos and are by appointment only.
 Give a very loving Christmas gift to yourself or a friend! On Wednesday, December 14th, Cornerstone Hospital will be hosting Mammogram Day, from 9 am until 9 pm. A VERY important test for all women to have, Mammograms cost just $500 pesos and are by appointment only.
 Join other diabetics and learn about controlling diabetes as our Physician and Nutritionist speak [in Spanish] about diabetes at the Diabetic Support Group meeting on Thursday, December 15th at 7 pm.
 Do you have insurance? Do you wonder what the coverage is here in Mexico or at Cornerstone? Bring your insurance card to "Check Out Your Insurance Day" on Monday, December 19th at 10 am, and our Insurance Specialist will let you know what's covered and what's not!
 On Wednesday, December 21st at 10:00 am, learn about MEDEX, an International Travel Insurance Company that offers various policies including a policy for people up to 70 years of age that live outside of their home country, as well as a great air evacuation plan for up to 80 years of age. For further information, or to sign up for any of the above, please call Pamela Thompson at 224-8122, 224-9400, or send an email to pmt15@hotmail.com.
 Coming to Cornerstone in January...
 Prostate Health Month Senior Exercise Program Gynecology Day(s) Special Seminar by Linda Abbott-Trap "Communication Skills"
 A personal note from Pamela Thompson:
 I hope that you are all enjoying this holiday season here in Paradise. December is such a busy month here, we hope that you are able to remember that it is important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally!
 We at Hospital Cornerstone wish you the happiest and healthiest of holidays! Please remember those that are less fortunate than we are. There are numerous charities in Puerto Vallarta that we support. I have a "Wish List" that is ongoing. Please let me know if you would like a copy of it.
 Pamela Thompson Hospital Cornerstone Patient Services Coordinator | 
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