News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2005  
International Friendship Club Welcomes Back Members
Harold Sokolove - PVNN

| IFC officers (L to R: Sudy Coy, Yvonne Ward, Al Ward, Mandy MacLeay, Al Chansky) | 
| Jerry Lafferty presenting certificate to Al Ward for their valuable participation in the 2004 toy drive. | 
| Potluck dinner line. | The International Friendship Club of Puerto Vallarta welcomed back members old and new on Tuesday night, November 9th.
 The club is a volunteer organization set up to promote social and cultural activities among the membership and to sponsor events that generate funds which are used for humanitarian purposes in the Puerto Vallarta area.
 It was the first meeting of the charity group for the 2005-2006 season. The last meeting before the summer break was held in April.
 The evening get-together started off as it always does, with a bountiful potluck supper.
 Food dishes of every description, brought by the 60 members in attendance this night, adorned the long line of tables set up in the courtyard of the IFC clubhouse on Libertad at the corner of Miramar in El Centro.
 The formal meeting opened with the introduction of new IFC members and the introduction of the IFC Officers who had been elected at the April meeting.
 President is Al Ward; Vice President is Yvonne Ward; Treasurer is Allan Badner; Al Chansky is Recording Secretary and Mandy Macleay is Corresponding Secretary.
 Mel Bornstein, giving the Treasurer's report for Mr. Badner, who was unable to attend this night's meeting, pointed out that the Club had generated more income from its fundraising programs than it had expected or budgeted for, so the 2006 budget has been increased. He also noted that expenses had continued over the summer months, so the Club was starting this season with essentially zero in the treasury.
 Yvonne Ward, wearing the hat of the Home Tour Chairperson, reported that the popular IFC fundraising program would begin on November 16th and continue through mid April.
 Al Ward, in support of Yvonne's call for additional volunteers for the Home Tour program, noted, "That is our money-making machine."
 Sudy Coy, the IFC Fundraising Committee Chairperson, next spoke about several charity events that would produce revenue for the Club.
 The charity brunch at Nikki Beach was only days away and has been occupying most of her time lately.
 Ms Coy also gave details about the Artists' Studio Tour, running from November through April and Theatre Night at the IFC Clubhouse. "Loveletters" will be performed by a traveling theatre group from San Francisco on November 17th. Only 100 tickets are available for this performance because that is the number that can be accommodated in the clubhouse.
 The Cleft Palate Program information was presented by that committee's chairperson, Patricia Mendez.
 This program provides free cleft palate surgery, follow-up hospital care, orthodontics, speech and other therapy for needy children. On occasion, corrective eye, ear and bone surgery , plus burn treatment is provided.
 Patricia is also looking for more volunteers to help with this program which takes place 4 times a year.
 Susan Davalos was next up to talk about Community Services.
 "My job is networking," she said. "I try to problem solve. It's all about kids and trying to help them stay in school."
 Education Committee Chairman Mel Bornstein told the group about the success of the education program.
 "We search out everything related to schools and education," he said, in describing this committee's function.
 "Last year we built 10 classrooms, with the city or the parents providing the labor and we supplied the material and supplies," noting the arrangement that has worked so well in the past.
 He continued, "We spent over 300,000 pesos last year, " pointing out that the Home Tours cover the education program expenses.
 A quick plug for membership growth came from the Wards, pointing out several of the benefits, including tax exempt donations and restaurant discounts for members.
 Mel Bornstein returned to address the group again about a bus tour being organized to visit schools that the IFC has helped or perhaps to visit some in dire need.
 A representative from Toys for Tots, Jerry Lafferty of the Navy League, made a presentation thanking the IFC for its valuable participation in the 2004 toy drive.
 "We try to provide a little bit of joy, self respect and hope for the future to kids," Lafferty said.
 Over $40,000 USD was raised and 7,500 toys were given away, he added.
 President Ward received the framed Certificate of Merit on behalf of the Club.
 The upcoming Vista Vallarta Golf Scramble and dinner was discussed as was the new long distance telephone cards the IFC is selling. These are legitimate MCI/Telmex LD cards, Yvonne noted, saying some previous cards sold in the area may have been fraudulent.
 Mr. Ward announced the generous $5,000 USD donation an IFC member, Bill Becker, recently made in memory of his wife. It is to be used in 5 different service programs the Club offers.
 Lastly, before the meeting was adjourned, Luigi Corsi of the Bahia de Banderas Rotary Club thanked the IFC for working with his Rotarians on a school project in Bucerias. Like last year, his Rotary Club is selling raffle tickets for a new car. The proceeds from the raffle will be used for his Rotary Club projects in the North Bay area.
 You can contact the IFC at pvifc@pvnet.com.mx, or visit their website at InternationalFriendshipClub.com | 
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