Revolution Day in Bucerias
Sue Fornoff - PVNN
 Bucerias, Nayarit - Every town in Mexico celebrates Día de la Revolución, Revolution Day, on November 20th. Bucerias is no exception.
 Starting early in the morning, little revolutionaries, gymnasts, marching bands and horse riders gathered in anticipation. It seems that every school child in town was in the parade. The route through town was crowded with parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and friends watching the festivities. Each group of marchers was accompanied by teachers, coaches and parents urging them on in their music, gymnastics and short skits performed all along the way.
 Back at the square, there were many vendors selling tacos, ice cream, tamales and trinkets. Secondary school students were painting Mexican flags on faces to raise money for school activities.
 Things stayed busy all day in the town plaza. The evenings festivities included music and loteria games. Things were topped off with a dance contest, "Bailando Para Tu Suenos", or Dancing for Your Dreams.
 There were many happy, tired families still enjoying themselves when things wrapped up around 11 p.m.
 If you have an opportunity to participate in a small town Mexican festival, be sure to go! You'll have an experience you won't soon forget!
 For more history of Revolution Day, go to |