News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2005  
Rotary Club Festival of Brotherhood
Harold Sokolove - PVNN

| Yvonne Ward, Susan Davilos, Sue Fornoff, Patricia Mendez with the IFC display. | Twenty-nine members of Rotary Clubs in California District 5130, were in Puerto Vallarta on Saturday for the annual Festival of Brotherhood. The Festival, held with Puerto Vallarta Rotary Clubs in District 4150, took place at the Fiesta Americana Hotel. This year marked the 10th anniversary of the Festival of Brotherhood between the two districts.
 The primary purpose of the meeting was to begin the review process for proposals from area nonprofit groups for projects seeking Rotary International funding.
 Following the group's four-day stay here they moved on to Tepic and Guadalajara to join an additional 30 members from District 5130 and will review additional project proposals. During the formal session, the Governor-elect of district 5130, Erna Stevenson, presented commemorative flags to the presidents of the five Puerto Vallarta Clubs.
 She praised the long working relationship between the two districts and said the group has been enjoying their time in Puerto Vallarta. "We were very pleased to be presented the key to the city," she said.
 The governor of district 4150 was represented by Rudy Dolker, of the Nuevo Vallarta Rotary Club, who spoke briefly about the positive results from the cooperation between the two districts over the years.
 After a final reminder to the membership by Dale Knight, District 5130 Grants Subcommittee Chair, that the projects presented this day will still need to be reviewed by district Rotary Club members who couldn't make the trip to Puerto Vallarta, everyone fanned out to examine the nonprofit groups' project proposals, aimed at improving the lives of area children.
 The International Friendship Club of Puerto Vallarta, represented by Yvonne Ward, Susan Davilos and Patricia Mendez, spoke to members about their cleft palate (facial surgery), Feed the Children, and dental health/education programs. http://www.internationalfriendshipclub.com/)
 Dr Ana O'Connor made a pitch for 35 new computers for Technical High school #149 in Puerto Vallarta (oconnor@puerto-vallarta.com), while another group from a small town south of Puerto Vallarta was asking for funds to purchase 15 computers and a piece of hospital equipment for the Regional Hospital. (herald95@prodigy.net.mx)
 The Asilo San Juan Diego AC proposes funding that will allow it to build a shelter for 100 elderly persons. (malupita88@hotmail.com)
 With an emphasis on self-sufficiency, Agape AC was seeking funds to launch a purified water processing plant. The profits from the business of purifying, bottling and distributing water will be used to operate their assistance center and to create new centers to assist babies, children and teenage single mothers, according to their project proposal brochure. (luisepinosa@gmail.com)
 The nonprofit group Casa Comunidad, located in Punta Mita, was hoping to be approved for funds to buy furniture, kitchen equipment, classroom supplies and a transportation van. (heidibyrd@msn.com or maru@remaxbahia.com)
 Also present at the Festival to make their programs and needs known to the Rotarians were Becas Vallarta AC. which provided education scholarships (www.puerto-vallarta.com/amf) and Ayuda Los Animales, which is "dedicated to decreasing the unwanted pet population in Mexico through aggressive spay/neuter programs, education and adoption." (http://www.buceriasanimals.org/) | 
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