News Around the Republic of Mexico | November 2005  
Two Bombs Planted Outside Banks on Outskirts of Mexico City
Gloria Perez - Associated Press

| A bomb exploded early Friday at a Spanish-owned bank on the outskirts of Mexico City, police said. No deaths or injuries were reported. (AP) | Toluca, Mexico – Two bombs were planted Friday at branches of a Spanish-owned bank on the outskirts of Mexico City, the latest in a series of attacks against foreign financial institutions in recent years. One bomb failed to detonate and the other caused no injuries.
 The first device exploded before dawn just below the window of a branch of Bancomer, owned by Spain's Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, said Mexico State Attorney General Alfonso Navarrete. The bomb shattered glass, wrecked computers and overturned furniture.
 A second device, found at a nearby branch of the same bank, failed to detonate, police said.
 In the wreckage of the first bomb, police found a letter claiming responsibility for the attacks from the previously unknown Barbarous Mexico Revolutionary Workers' Commando, Navarrete said.
 The same group sent an e-mail to The Associated Press railing against "neoliberal reorganization and capitalist expansion" and singling out U.S. businesses in Mexico, including Wal-Mart and McDonald's and the U.S.-backed proposal for a Free Trade Area of the Americas.
 In May 2004, devices exploded outside three foreign-owned banks just outside Mexico City, and in August 2001, three explosives detonated at branches of Banamex, which was being purchased by U.S.-based Citibank.
 A note near the 2004 bombing sites was signed by a group calling itself the Comando Jaramillista Morelense 23 de Mayo – in tribute to Ruben Jaramillo, a peasant leader killed in 1962 by government forces. A small leftist group called the Revolutionary Armed Forces of the People claimed responsibility in the 2001 bombings. | 
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