News from Around the Americas | November 2005  
Panama Against Sex Exploitation
Prensa Latina

| A public manifesto was signed by Central American men against commercial and sexual exploitation on this International Day of Non Violence against Woman. | Panama - A campaign to raise public awareness about sexual exploitation of girls and adolescents has been launch in Panama by Attorney General Ana Matilde Gomez.
 The campaign was presented by the National Commission for Prevention of Commercial and Sexual Crimes (CONAPREDES) and the National Council of Journalism to mark International Day of Non Violence against Woman.
 Commercial and sexual exploitation is a violence against childhood and adolescence, which is deemed a crime, involving severe violation of human rights, according to the experts.
 Gomez, who is also CONAPREDES president, said this scourge is one of the worst and cruel transgressions and anyone involved in any of its manifestations must be condemned.
 A public manifesto was also signed by Central American men against commercial and sexual exploitation on this International Day of Non Violence against Woman.
 According to research, 90 percent of sex exploiters are men.
 Experts told Prensa Latina that the signing of this document means men commit to contribute to fight this degrading crime.
 Panama stepped forward in this important struggle against sexual and commercial exploitation of girls and adolescents with the approval of Law 16 of March 31, 2004 obliging all institutions to take preventive actions and develop programs for victims´ protection.
 Reforms in the penal and judicial codes were applied, severely sanctioning those responsible for these crimes and those aware of the existence of such crimes without reporting them to authorities. | 
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