News from Around the Americas | November 2005  
Chavez Warns of Spooky US Halloween 'Terrorism'

| President Hugo Chavez cautioned Venezuelan parents to protect their children from Halloween with a spooky warning that the US tradition is rooted in 'terrorism.' (AFP/File/Robyn Beck) | President Hugo Chavez cautioned Venezuelan parents to protect their children from Halloween with a spooky warning that the US tradition is rooted in "terrorism."
 "What they have implanted here, which is really a 'gringo' custom, is terrorism," Chavez said, quoted in the local press. "They disguise children as witches and wizards, that is contrary to our culture."
 Chavez often lashes out at the US government, which he has described as "terrorist" and accused of plotting his assassination. But this time his warnings were directed at the American celebration that combines costumes and candy.
 He issued "an appeal for reflection by parents" not to encourage their children to dress up for the holiday.
 His comments came after authorities in Caracas recently seized pumpkins, cardboard skeleton costumes and other traditional Halloween items inscribed with anti-Chavez messages.
 US families were celebrating Halloween, during which disguised children go door to door saying "trick or treat," on Monday. | 
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