News from Around Banderas Bay | December 2005  
A Taste of Puerto Vallarta
 Puerto Vallarta - Showcasing the culinary talents of some of the world's finest chefs, the Puerto Vallarta Gourmet Festival ranks as Mexico's premier Epicurean event.
 From its modest beginnings in 1995 with just six participating restaurants and 12 guest chefs, today the International Festival Gourmet Vallarta has become a major event on the international culinary calendar.
 This year, the International Festival Gourmet Vallarta celebrated it's eleventh season, serving up some of the best cuisine Puerto Vallarta could sink its teeth into. A record 27 Puerto Vallarta restaurants participated in the 10-day event, with Guest Chefs from all over the world taking part in this culinary celebration of cultures.
 Be sure to check out BanderasNews video journalist Laura Gelezunas' exclusive video report. It will not only give you a glimpse of what you missed, but will also get you jazzed up for next year's party.
 Laura's video coverage of the eleventh annual International Festival Gourmet Vallarta gave BanderasNews the perfect opportunity to unveil our newest feature - online videos.
 If you missed this year's event, check out our exclusive Man On The Street interviews to see what other travelers had to say about the 2005 Puerto Vallarta Gourmet Festival.
 Or, join BanderasNews video journalist, Laura Gelezunas, as she pulls up a chair at the 'Chef’s Table' hosted by Los Xitomates Restaurant in Puerto Vallarta.
 Keep watching the pages of BanderasNews.com so you won't miss our exclusive video coverage of other exciting news and events in Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
 Read all the event stories and view the photo galleries of the Festival Gourmet International 2005, from the Jungle themed kick off at the Mayan Palace to the Tropical Odyssey Closing Gala at the Sheraton. Just follow the links below.
Tropical Odyssey - An Exotic End to Festival 2005
Kathy Taylor
 For an evening to be truly memorable, it takes a combination of ambiance, music, wine, food, and often, company. The Tropical Odyssey Gala that was the closing event of the Eleventh Annual International Festival Gourmet Vallarta had all of these elements. more »»»
The ABC's of Gourmet
Kathy Taylor
 What many consider to be the "heart and soul" of the Festival Gourmet takes place in the days between the opening and closing parties, and during the daylight hours before the coveted Chef's Tables. The cooking classes offered by the Festival Gourmet are a great way to learn new skills and rub shoulders with like-minded gourmands. more »»»
The Chef's Table Masterpiece of Cocina de Autor
Kathy Taylor
 Imagine this... you've invited two of the world's finest chefs into your home, as well as a sommelier, a maitre d' and staff, and a jazz duo. The linens are crisp, the glasses gleam in the candlelight, and soothing water cascades down the rock wall in your outside atrium as you watch Chefs Blouet and Tapia create a masterpiece. more »»»
To Know Wine is to Understand Life
Denise Derameé
 It has been said that "to know wine is to understand life," and thanks to the wine tasting events taking place at the Sheraton Buganvilias during this year's Festival Gourmet Expo Forum, you don't have to be a wine connoisseur to explore the wonderful world of wine. more »»»
Bianco - The Best of Both Worlds
Erich Haubrich
 Just a month after their gala opening, Bianco's Chef's Table event, as part of the Festival Gourmet, was a huge success. Guest Chef Bernard Guillas from La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club, and the Bianco staff created a one-of-a-kind 6 course meal in their unique fusion style, bringing together European cuisine and traditional Mexican ingredients. more »»»
Festival Gourmet Brunch Highlights
Kathy Taylor
 One of the most anticipated events of the Gourmet Festival is the Brunch at the Sheraton Buganvilias in Puerto Vallarta. Chef Francis Drillien of the Sheraton Cabo San Lucas, guest chef for this event, celebrated the sea with a minimalist brunch for 400 guests on Sunday. more »»»
The Flavours of Contemporary Chile
Kathy Taylor
 In the leafy aerie that is the top terrace of Chef Thierry Blouet's Cocina de Autor, his guest chef Oscar Tapia gave us a little gift yesterday, an amuse-bouche, which not only pleased but teased in anticipation for the chef's table dinner they will offer this Tuesday. more »»»
Hot Opener for the Gourmet Festival International
Kathy Taylor
 Fire. It is fitting that this most primitive and basic of cooking methods was the theme of the opening festivities of the Festival Gourmet International at the magnificent Mayan Palace in Nuevo Vallarta. more »»»
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