Three Kings Day Toy Delivery
 January 6th, also known as Three King's Day, commemorates the three wise men, Melchior, Gaspar and Baltazar, who followed the star to Bethlehem, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus.
 In Mexico, Three King's Day is when children receive the majority of their gifts, rather than on Christmas day. This year, using funds acquired from the annual golf-outing and gala dinner-dance, individual donations, and local sponsors, the Puerto Vallarta chapter of Toys for Tots raised enough money to purchase more than 8,000 toys for distribution.
 It is pretty easy to say "Let's collect eight thousand toys and deliver them into the hands of a child in as many schools as we can, outside the city where the need is greatest." But actually making it happen is only possible if a lot of people open their hearts and their wallets, and then turn up on Three Kings' Day to deliver joy to some of the less-advantaged kids in the Banderas Bay region.
 Through the combined efforts of the organizing committee, including Jerry Lafferty, Ted Wills and other members of the Navy League; U.S. Consular Agent Kelly Trainor; Dennis Whitelaw, Lita Aguirre and the entire staff at the Marriott; and Guy Kristian of Coldwell Banker, and an impressive number of volunteers, more than 8,000 toys were distributed this January 6th.
 Toys for Tots, in its 7th year of reaching out to less fortunate children in Puerto Vallarta and the Banderas Bay area, delivered their gifts on this day - and Banderas News video journalist, Laura Gelezunas, went along for the ride. |