News from Around the Americas | January 2006  
Schwarzenegger Officially Non Grata in Baja California Sur
Pedro Juárez - MexiData.info

| California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks at a breakfast honoring civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday. Speaking in front of a painting of King, Schwarzenegger described the influence the activist has had on him and his son. (AP/Noah Berger) | The Legislature of the State of Baja California Sur, Mexico, has declared California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to be a persona non grata insofar as he introduced a racist migration policy, especially against Mexican immigrants.
 Members of the unicameral state legislature also declared their opposition to the U.S. Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, House Resolution HR-4437 that is currently under consideration by the U.S. Senate.
 The unanimously approved proposal declaring Schwarzenegger a persona non grata was sponsored by Georgina Noemí Hernández (PRD, Cabo San Lucas), a member of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), which holds a 15 member majority in the 21 member Chamber of Deputies.
 While the last state legislature (2002-2005) was in office, then PRD Deputy Elsa de la Paz Esquivel Amador, from Los Cabos, made the same proposal however it did not receive a majority vote. Thus it was not until January 17, 2006 that the local congress made the resolution official.
 “The Terminator forgets that he too is an immigrant who came to the United States, and now he is applying racist policies against immigrant workers, above all against Latinos, which is why we have declared him persona non grata in Baja California Sur,” said the chairman of the legislature’s Human Rights Committee, Arturo Peña Valles (Labor Party, proportional representation), in justifying his vote.
 Edited translation from Cronica - MexiData.info | 
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