News Around the Republic of Mexico | February 2006  
Nearly 43 Percent of Mexican Children Live in Poverty
Dominican Today

| Mexican children attend the rally of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, presidential candidate of Mexico's left-wing Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), in the southern Mexican town of Metlatonoc. Obrador has put poverty at the heart of a presidential campaign in Mexico, where a fifth of the population cannot afford to eat properly but a small elite enjoys fabulous wealth. He promises to give priority to the poor if he wins the July 2 election. (Reuters/Daniel Aguilar) | Mexico City – Mexican Organizations for the protection of children informed that 42.6 percent of Mexican children live in poverty.
 This situation was presented by the organizations before the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and the results presented to the press.
 According to the organizations, President Vicente Fox´s government failed to accomplish the goal of reducing the child death rate that in some regions goes up to 30 deaths per 1000 live births.
 The government has not performed actions to decrease the number of children under 14 without deprived of health services which is 64 percent while in the Chiapas and Guerrero states it reaches 83 percent, said the report.
 In 11 of the 32 states of the nation more than 50 percent of all children live in poverty.
 Chiapas is in first place with 72.1 percent, then Oaxaca with 68.8 percent, Veracruz, 60.7 percent, Tabasco, 59.8 percent and Hidalgo with 58.2 percent. | 
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