News Around the Republic of Mexico | May 2006  
Mexican Conservative Leads New Presidential Poll

| Mexican National Action Party (PAN) presidential candidate Felipe Calderon speaks during a rally for his presidential campaign in Guanajuato. Balding, bespectacled and pushing a conservative agenda, Calderon grew up challenging the Mexican poitical establishment and is overcomning the odds to in a bid to become president and buck a leftist trend in Latin America. (Reuters/Mario Castillo) | Mexico City – Conservative ruling party candidate Felipe Calderon has a 5 point lead in Mexico's presidential race, Zogby International polling firm said Friday.
 The poll, carried out with the University of Miami School of Communication, showed Calderon with 38 percent support before the July 2 election, and his leftist rival Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador trailed with 33 percent.
 It was Zogby's first poll on the election race and was in line with others, although Calderon's lead has ranged from 1 to 10 percentage points. The conservative former energy minister trailed Lopez Obrador for months but has surged in recent polls after launching an effective campaign of negative television ads.
 The Zogby poll results were based on respondents who had decided who to vote for and were likely to go to the polls.
 Calderon is the candidate of Mexico's ruling National Action Party and is promising to maintain the fiscal discipline and pro-market policies of President Vicente Fox, who is barred under Mexican law from seeking reelection.
 Lopez Obrador, a former mayor of Mexico City, vows an end to free market reforms and wants to attack widespread poverty with ambitious infrastructure and social welfare programs. | 
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