News from Around Banderas Bay | June 2006  
Congratulations to Colegio Americano's Class of 2006!
 The American School of Puerto Vallarta [Colegio Americano] is proud to announce that the 23 students graduating with this year’s senior class have set a new school record for university acceptances and scholarships.
 Offering a bilingual-bicultural education to international students from preschool through grade 12, the American School provides a strong academic, personal, and social learning environment where students prepare for their future education and life choices by learning new languages, exploring diverse cultures and participating in community service projects.
 According to the American School of Puerto Vallarta College Guidance Counselor, Dr. Robert Nation, many universities attended by their graduates accept only 10% to 20% of applicants. So students must apply to multiple schools to have a chance at acceptance, especially if they need a scholarship.
 This year’s graduates submitted 102 applications, or an average of 5 per student. An astounding 76% of the applications resulted in a letter of acceptance, and they were offered a grand total of around $4,000,000 USD in scholarships and financial aid for their four years of university study.
 So, once again, this year's American School graduates will be going to some of the best universities in England, Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Below is a list of the members of the senior class and their final choices of school. In many cases, students do not declare a major or career until after their first or second year, but some students have already identified their final course of studies.
 Join us in congratulating this fantastic group of graduates!
 Maria Fernanda Bautista Armas: Richmond American International University, London Chad Bejos Bayardi: Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara: Law Jeffrey Bernal DeBroucker: University of British Columbia, Vancouver: Commerce Brittany Blomfield: Les Roches School of Hotel Management, Switzerland Michael Díaz Hallowell: Rochester Institute of Technology, New York Lizbeth Diaz: Orange Coast College, California: Interior Design Roberto García Peña: Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara: Medicine (and still waiting to hear in July from the University of Guadalajara in Medicine) Cristóbal González Comella: Les Roches School of Hotel Administration, Spain Hannalore Hein: American University, Washington, DC: School of International Service Mathieu Lemyre: Concordia University, Montreal: Building Engineering Patricia López Cárdenas: Tec de Monterrey, campus Monterrey: International Journalism Moisés Mejia Amescua: ITESO, Guadalajara: Architecture Leonel Oliveros Rosen: Haverford College, Pennsylvania Rodrigo Ortega Vega: Tec de Monterrey, Guadalajara: Architecture Rodrigo Palacios Pérez: Lynn University, Florida: Broadcast Journalism Alberto Richard Pérez Richardson: University of Miami, Florida: International Business Jesús Quesada Romo: Tec de Monterrey, Aguascalientes campus: Business Administration Vanesa Rios Martinez: helping to open a real estate business in Los Cabos, Baja California Nicholas Ruzicka: Western Illinois University, Illinois Raul Santos Matsui: Swarthmore Collage, Pennsylvania: Engineering Jessica Ugalde Maldonado: ITESO, Guadalajara: Marketing Leslie Velásquez Rodríguez: Tec de Monterrey, campus Guadalajara: International Business Kanoa Wegesend: Rollins College, Florida: International Business | 
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