Calderon Takes Leads Over Lopez Obrador in Mexican Voter Poll

| Felipe Calderon, presidential candidate for the conservative National Action Party, sits under an image of himself during a meeting with immigrant leaders at his party's headquarters in Mexico City, June 7, 2006. (Andrew Winning/Reuters) | Mexico City - Felipe Calderon, Mexican President Vicente Fox's former energy minister, took the lead in an opinion poll over rival Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador following the June 6 presidential debate.
 Calderon, the National Action Party's candidate, saw his support rise to 37 percent from 36 percent a week ago, while backing for former Mexico City Mayor Lopez Obrador, the Party of the Democratic Revolution's candidate, fell to 34 percent from 36 percent, according to a poll released by the Mexico City- based newspaper El Universal.
 The two candidates had been tied in the previous week's poll. Support for Roberto Madrazo, the Party of the Democratic Revolution's candidate, dropped to 22 percent from 24 percent.
 The El Universal June 7-9 survey of 1,500 registered voters has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.
 To contact the reporter on this story: Valerie Rota in Mexico City at |