3 Bengal Tigers Born at El Tigre

| Jesus G. Carmona, Director of El Tigre Golf and Country Club, with newly born Bengal tiger cubs, Princess, Joy and Hobbs. | Jesus G. Carmona, the Director of El Tigre Golf and Country Club in Nuevo Vallarta, recently announced that the three Bengal Tigers born at Paradise Village on Friday, June 30th are healthy, happy and getting bigger and stronger every day.
 The new cubs, 2 females named Princess and Joy, and one male, Hobbs, are part of the the Paradise Village Group's successful Bengal tiger program, the only one of its kind in any resort in the country.
 Since accepting accepting his position at El Tigre, Jesus has been an active part of the Paradise Village Bengal Tiger Program.
 He helped to raise three of the tigers, Lluvia [age 2], Diego [3] and Nala [3]; all of which Jesus kept as house pets until they outgrew the Carmona home.
 Diego lived in the house for five months, Lluvia for eight months and Nala for four.
 According to Carmona, information about the Paradise Village Wild Life Program will soon be online, giving everyone the opportunity to learn more about the family of beautiful Bengal Tigers that grace the El Tigre and Paradise Village grounds, as well as all of the other animals the group has rescued. |