News from Around the Americas | July 2006  
"Out of Iraq" Caucus Joins "Troops Home Fast"
Scott Galindez - t r u t h o u t

| In a press Conference on the steps of the Cannon House Office Building, members of the "Out of Iraq" Congressional Caucus expressed their support for the "Troops Home Fast." The 72-member caucus was established to bring to the House of Representatives an ongoing debate about the war in Iraq and the administration's justification for the decision to go to war. (Jim Wilson/NYTimes) | In a press conference on the steps of the Cannon House Office Building, members of the "Out of Iraq" Congressional Caucus expressed their support for the "Troops Home Fast."
 The 72-member "Out of Iraq" Caucus was established on June 16, 2005, to bring to the House of Representatives an ongoing debate about the war in Iraq and the administration's justification for the decision to go to war, to urge the return of US service members to their families as soon as possible, and to provide a voice in Congress for the individuals and groups who support these efforts.
 The "Troops Home Fast," which was launched on July 4th in Washington, DC, now includes over 3,700 people who have pledged to fast for at least one day in support of the long-term fasters.
 Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, who fasted on Thursday, said she participated in the fast because whatever discomfort she felt "couldn't compare to the dangers being faced every day by our troops in Iraq or the horrific conditions being endured each and every day by the Iraqi people."
 Congresswoman Maxine Waters compared the fasters to Gandhi, and Martin Luther King III called on the president "to provide relief to the heroic fasters and troops in Iraq by bringing the troops home now."
 Congressman Dennis Kucinich encouraged the fasters to "continue organizing for a society where we will solve conflict with diplomacy and not war."
 Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney listed a few recent news headlines to illustrate that even the Supreme Court and the Pentagon are now admitting that the opponents of the president's policy in Iraq have been right all along.
 But Congresswoman Barbara Lee warned, "Our efforts will be in vain if we're not vigilant ... Politically motivated, cosmetic troop draw-downs may begin as the November election approaches."
 The fast, in its 10th day, was also represented at the press conference by retired colonel Ann Wright, a 29-year veteran of the military who also spent 16 years as a diplomat. Wright declared that she was fasting because she believes that "the only way the violence will end in Iraq is for us to bring our troops home."
 There is no end date for the "Troops Home Fast." It will be centered in Lafayette Park, across the street from the White House, until August 15th, when it will move to Crawford, Texas.
 Scott Galindez is the Managing Editor of truthout.org. | 
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